Page 38 - EDII Report 126
P. 38

The Journal of Entrepreneurship

                                                Editor :
                                                                                              Scan to read
                                                Sunil Shukla                                  more about
                                                Editor & Director General                     the journal
                                                Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII)
                                                                                     Published in association with
                                                Guest Editor :
                                                Suresh Bhagawatula
                                                Professor, Entrepreneurship
                                                Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM-B)
                                                                              (h ps://

                            The  Journal  of  Entrepreneurship  (JoE)  invites  authors  to  submit  papers  focusing  on
                            various aspects of Entrepreneurship and Society, with topics including but not limited to:

                            Social Entrepreneurship and Societal Impact

                            Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Community Development
                            Technological Innova ons and Societal Transforma on
                            Entrepreneurship Educa on and Societal Outcomes

                            •  The  JoE  is  a  peer-reviewed,  quarterly  publica on  of  Entrepreneurship
                                Development Ins tute of India published by SAGE Publica ons since 1992 in
                                print and electronic format.
                            •  Original  papers  that  are  unpublished  and  have  not  been  submi ed
                                elsewhere should be submi ed.
                            •  The  submission  guidelines  are  at  h ps://
                                instruc ons/JOE

                            Manuscripts must be submi ed to the Guest Editor at  with
                            CC to

                            For any queries, please contact

                            In the years 2022 and 2023, the JoE released two special issues focusing on the following
                            themes, under the leadership of dis nguished guest editors:

                            •  Entrepreneurship and the Cra  of Teaching edited by Dr. Raymond Smilor, Emeritus
                              Professor  at  the  Neeley  School  of  Business,  Texas  Chris an  University,  USA.
                              [h ps://]

                            •  Appropriate Technologies & Entrepreneurship for Global Sustainability Development
                              edited by Prof. Philippe Régnier from the University of Applied Sciences Western
                              Switzerland (HES-SO), Switzerland.
                               [h ps://]

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