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EDII REPORTS 121                                                                                                                                                                         EDII REPORTS 121

                         Curating Sustainable Livelihood Models...                                                                   Awareness camp on Mudra loan and registration drive conducted for availing schemes in Pub
                                                                                                                                     Mangaldai Block of Assam: Awareness camp on Mudra loan was conducted at different Gram
                         The StartUp Village Entrepreneurship                                                                        Panchayats in Pub Mangaldai block of Assam for those who had completed their CEF repayment
                                                                                                                                     under SVEP and were looking for additional financial support to grow their existing businesses.

                              ecreasing landholdings, increasing population, lack of awareness, isolation from the
                              mainland and several similar reasons are no longer grounds for the rural populace not
                      Dsecuring  sustainable  livelihoods.  Rural  India  has  potential  galore  that  needs  to  be
                      channelled appropriately.
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                      The Startup Village Entrepreneurship Programme [SVEP] is the largest village entrepreneurship                             Udyam                        FSSAI              registra ons under Pradhan
                      programme that fosters economic growth through sustainable livelihood opportunities. SVEP has                          registra ons                 registra ons            Mantri Formalisa on of
                      been envisioned by the Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India.                                                                                                       Micro Food Processing
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Enterprises Scheme

                      The project covering 82 blocks in 15 States is helping members of Self Help Groups (SHG) set up
                      small enterprises in rural areas under non-farm sector. SVEP is the sub-scheme under Deendayal
                      Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM). EDII has been functioning as                   “This is a unique livelihood
                      the National Resource Organisation (NRO) for this programme and is enabling economic growth                      intervention,” says Karri
                      through sustainable livelihood options.                                                                          Karri Narshi babu was born in a poor family in
                                                                                                                                       Chunchupally village, Mangapet Mandal of
                      As a result of various trainings, mentoring support and opportunity sourcing, 81641 enterprises                  Eturnagaram.  He  could  not  complete  his
                      have  been  promoted,  training  has  been  imparted  to  83464  entrepreneurs  as  well  as  1267               education  due  to  poverty  and  remained
                      community resource persons. Through a dedicated fund known as the Community Enterprise                           unemployed  for  several  years.  Marriage
                      Fund (CEF) accessible under this project, these enterprises have been provided ₹ 209.47 crores as                brought  in  familial  responsibility.  Karri
                      credit to help them start and grow their businesses. 51410 women entrepreneurs under this                        started  working  as  a  daily  wage  worker
                      project, have written their success stories.                                                                     and earned a meagre amount of Rs. 300 per
                                                                                                                                       day.  For 15 long years, he strived hard for a
                      With every passing day, a new chapter is added to the SVEP initiatives. Over the last three months               better  living  but  failed  in  all  his  attempts.
                      training modules have been developed so that the methodology is documented and the initiative                    Poverty and drudgery were just not ready to
                      gets replicated, where needed. Support has been extended towards developing viable business                      move away from him till one day, a simple  plan and the same was put forth in BRC. After
                      plans that get accepted by banks. The banks and financial institutions are also being sensitized to              piece of information from his wife changed  scrutiny,  BRC  approved  an  amount  of
                                                                                                                                       his life. Karri Narshi babu's wife who was an  Rs. 50,000. Adding all his savings along with
                      extend funding support to enterprises. While initially, the funding for entrepreneurs was sought
                                                                                                                                       SHG  member  of  Sri  Rajeshwar  SHG,  heard  CEF  amount  Karri  purchased  a  boat  and
                      from the Community Enterprise Fund (CEF) available under the project, with sustained efforts for
                                                                                                                                       about the SVEP Programme through CRP-EP   started work enthusiastically. He repaid his
                      credit  linkages,  3,357  enterprises  have  been  given  loans  worth  ₹  14.89  crores  by  different
                                                                                                                                       in  one  of  their  regular  SHG  meetings.  She  loan is a short span and arrived at break-even
                      financial institutions. 1,267 Community Resource Persons – Enterprise Promotions (CRP-EP) have
                                                                                                                                       discussed it with her husband, and the two  within  the  first  six  months  of  the  fishing
                      been identified and trained to support setting up and handhold the microenterprises under the
                                                                                                                                       were  enthused  with  the  desire  to  try  their  business.  His  average  monthly  profit  is
                      SVEP. The following are the activities which were undertaken during last three months:
                                                                                                                                       hands at entrepreneurship. Karri has skills in  between Rs. 40,000 to 45,000. As Karri says,
                      Capacity  Building  of  Entrepreneurs,  Community  Based  Organisations  (CBOs)  &  Community                    fishing and after must consultation with the  “I feel happy that I am able to give my family a
                      Resource Persons-Enterprise Promotion (CRP-EPs) were some of the programmes conducted                            mentors,  he  stepped  forth  to  commence  good life. Not just that, I have employed four
                      across blocks, training 448 entrepreneur, 929 CBOs and 99 CRP-EPs.                                               fishing commercially. Ms. Swapna, the CRP-  people who are running their families on this
                                                                                                                                       EP, supported him in preparing the business  income. I feel blessed.”

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