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       EDII REPORTS 121                                                                                                                                                                         EDII REPORTS 121

                      During the conference, over 125 papers and studies by scholars from more than 10 countries on
                                                                                                                                        “The  process  of  social  development  and  entrepreneurship  is  bound  to  undergo  a
                      the themes of social, green, women, agricultural, digital, MSME, and inclusive entrepreneurship,
                                                                                                                                        transformation  given  the  inclination  of  society  towards  knowledge  and  wisdom.  In  such  a
                      were presented.                                                                                                   society,  the  process  of  development  will  be  more  inclined  towards  a  collaborative  and
                                                                                                                                        cooperative process, with focus on including wellbeing of the lesser developed nations as well.”
                      The  conference  was  inaugurated  by  Dr  Kavil  Ramachandran,  Professor  of  Entrepreneurship                                                                                -  Dr. Ajit K. Mohanty
                      (Practice), Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad, in the presence of Dr Gabriel Dwomoh,                                                        Emeritus Fellow, Utkal University & Former Professor,
                                                                                                                                                  ICSSR National Fellow Chief Adviser, NMRC, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
                      Pro-Vice  Chancellor,  Kumasi  Technical  University;  Dr  Ajit  K  Mohanty,  Emeritus  Fellow,  Utkal
                      University,  Bhubaneswar;  Dr  Ramakrishna  Velamuri,  Dean  &  Professor  of  Entrepreneurship,
                      School of Management, Mahindra University, Hyderabad; and Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General,                     “Entrepreneurs emerge and blossom in a social context, so when we want entrepreneurship to
                      EDII.                                                                                                             blossom in India, it is important to focus on educating the parents, teachers, bankers, policy
                                                                                                                                        makers,  and  other  similar  stakeholders  in  a  decision  making  level  so  that  the  different
                      As part of the conference, a Vice Chancellors' / Directors' Conclave was also held to discuss the                 beneficiaries could be encouraged to be creative and take the plunge as entrepreneurs.”
                      Importance of Entrepreneurship Education in the Context of the National Education Policy (NEP)                                                                      -  Prof. (Dr.) Ramakrishna Velamuri
                                                                                                                                                                   Dean & Professor of Entrepreneurship, School of Management,
                      2020. Universities from across the country, were represented.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Mahindra University, Hyderabad
                      Another  important  event  of  the  Conference  was  the  Doctoral  Colloquium  where  the  PhD.
                      scholars and FPM students from across the country, were mentored and guided on their research
                                                                                                                                        “Entrepreneurship  and  enterprise  development  is  viewed  with  great  significance  in  Ghana.
                      work.  The  doctoral  students  of  EDII  and  other  institutes/universities  presented  and  discussed          Amidst a time when finding jobs in formal and informal sectors are difficult in Ghana, we are
                      their research ideas, proposals, and empirical work. The platform led to generation and exchange                  focussing on developing job creators. “
                      of  ideas  related  to  the  broad  areas  of  Entrepreneurship  Theory,  Entrepreneurship  Policy,                                                                      -  Prof. (Dr.) Gabriel Dwomoh
                      Entrepreneurship  Education  &  Capacity  Building,  Manifestations  of  Entrepreneurship,                                                         Pro-Vice Chancellor, Kumasi Technical University, Ghana
                      Entrepreneurship  Context,  MSME  Entrepreneurship,  Functional  Areas  of  Entrepreneurship,  and
                      developmental studies.

                         “Entrepreneurship is today at the core of researches and policy making. It has become a global
                         phenomenon. The environ, today, across the nation, is conducive to entrepreneurship. Success                   “The Biennial Conference continues to be a forum for researchers and educators across the
                         of a business depends on the resources available, which also includes the competence and                       globe to exchange ideas and valuable feedback in various fields of entrepreneurship. Research
                                                                                                                                        in  entrepreneurship  is  key  to  identifying  solutions,  and  pursuing  newer  opportunities,  and
                         merit of the owners and others involved in business. Family Business is an area, where I believe
                         the dynamics need to be researched more to ensure smooth sail across generations.”                             innovations. The research findings and papers presented in the conference bring forth fresh
                                                                                                                                        perspectives and emerging trends in entrepreneurship.”
                                                                                   -  Dr. Kavil Ramachandran                                                                                              -  Dr. Sunil Shukla
                                                                      Professor of Entrepreneurship (Practice),                                                                                       Director General, EDII
                                                                     Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad
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