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                                                                                    REPORTS 121
 EDII REPORTS 121                                                               EDII REPORTS 121

 Global GEM Report released in Switzerland  Entrepreneurship Research, Enterprise

 Global  GEM  Report  was  released  on
 16th  -  17th  February,  2023  at  School  of  Creation and Policy Advocacy
 Management Fribourg (HEG-FR), University
 of  Applied  Sciences  and  Arts  Western  …The 15th Biennial Conference
 Switzerland  (HES-SO)  in  Delémont
 Switzerland.  The  launch  event  highlighted
 the  changing  entrepreneurial  dynamics
 across the world, post COVID pandemic. The
 report  findings  were  deliberated  upon  by
 noted  researchers  and  academicians
 who a ended the event. The event was also
 a ended  by  Dr.  Sunil  Shukla,  Director
 Director General, EDII during interac ons with Senior Officials of the
 Embassy of India to Switzerland, in Berne, including; Mr. Rakesh Sharma,  General,  EDII.  During  the  visit,  Director
 Second Secretary, (Trade & Economy) / PPS, Mr. Kaushlendra Kumar,  General also interacted with Prof. Philippe
 Regnier,  Dean,  School  of  Management
 Marke ng Officer, (Bilateral Trade, Economy & Commerce) and other
 senior officials.  Fribourn.

 The  GEM  Report  2021-22  The GEM report revela on that India is ranked
 covers  the  trend  of  growth  in  4th  among  51  countries  in  terms  of  quality
 entrepreneurial ac vi es as well as  entrepreneurship ecosystem, was highlighted in
 required  individual  a ributes  for  the  Economic  Times.  The  same  was  tweeted
 star ng business.  The  Total  Early-  from  the  account  of  Shri  Narendra  Modi,
 stage Entrepreneurial Ac vity rate  Hon'ble Prime Minister of India.
 (TEA) in  India has  increased  from
 9.3% in  2 0 1 7 – 1 8   t o   1 4 . 4 %   i n
 2021–22. Along with  TEA, nascent

 entrepreneurship and new business

 o w n e r s h i p   h a v e   i n c r e a s e d  (3rd from L) Chief Guest, Dr. Kavil Ramachandran, Professor of Entrepreneurship (Practice), Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad;
 significantly  in  the  same  period  of  (R  to  L)  Dr.  Ajit  K.  Mohanty,  Emeritus  Fellow,  Utkal  University  &  Former  Professor,  ICSSR  National  Fellow  Chief  Advisor,  NMRC,
        Jawaharlal  Nehru  University,  New  Delhi;  Prof.  (Dr.)  Gabriel  Dwomoh,  Pro-Vice  Chancellor,  Kumasi  Technical  University,  Ghana;
  me. The increase  in  nascent  Dr.  Sunil  Shukla,  Director  General,  EDII  &  Prof.  (Dr.)  Ramakrishna  Velamuri,  Dean  &  Professor  of  Entrepreneurship,  School  of

 entrepreneurship is 4.9%  in  2017–18
        Management,  Mahindra  University,  Hyderabad,  releasing  Abstracts’  compilation  of  the  papers  selected  for  presentation  at  the
 to 7.2% in 2021–22. Similarly,  in  the  15th Biennial Conference.

 case of New  Business Ownership it is
 from 4.4% to 7.1% for the same period

 of  me. On the s i m i l a r   l i n e ,   t h e   ntrepreneurship has come a long way from family businesses to aspirational start-ups and

 established entrepreneurship rate has  social businesses. The growth of the discipline of entrepreneurship rests on a knowledge
 also  increased from 6.2%   to   8.5%  Einfrastructure,  which  needs  to  be  continuously  reinforced  for  prudent  insights.
 from 2017–18   to 2021–22.

                      Meaningful research can spark notable developments.
 The  findings  of  this  report  show
 that 83.4%  o f   t h e   p o p u l a   o n  EDII, the pioneer in entrepreneurship education and research, has been organizing Biennial
 perceives that there is a  g o o d  Conferences on Entrepreneurship, since 1994 to explore the different facets of the discipline and
 opportunity  to  start  a  business  in
 their  area. Out of the 47 economies  to provide a platform to scholars from across the nation and the world, to share their findings.
 that  par cipated,  India  has  been  The fifteenth Biennial Conference was held in the Institute during February 22- 24, 2023. The
 ranked second for  p e r c e i v e d  three-day conference on 'Entrepreneurship' provided a platform to researchers, educationists,
 opportuni es.        and  practitioners  to  share  their  research  studies  and  findings  in  different  areas  of
                      entrepreneurship development.

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