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EDII REPORTS 121                                                                                                                                                                         EDII REPORTS 121

                                                                                                                                         The Global Entrepreneurship
                         I n   K a r n a t a k a ,   w h i l e   3 8 3
                         beneficiaries were trained, 328 set                                                                              Monitor Survey
                         up  their  own  business.  A  Buyer
                         Seller Meet (BSM) was organized by                                                                                he  Global  Entrepreneurship  Monitor  (GEM)  Survey  is  the  world's  largest  annual  survey  of
                                                                                                                                           entrepreneurial dynamics. GEM was started in 1999 and has since gained a reputation for the
                         the Vikasana Ins tute for Rural and                                                                         Tcredibility and coverage of its research. The GEM-India Consortium is playing an important role
                         Urban  Development  to  provide  a
                                                                                                                                     in  probing  the  rapidly  evolving  nature  and  level  of  entrepreneurship  in  India,  as  the  Indian
                         pla orm  to  promote  networking.                                                                           Entrepreneurial Eco-system grows stronger by the day. The GEM-India Consortium is also broadening
                         The sellers also got to know about                                                                          its scope to include regional and state-level entrepreneurship institutions in order to maximise its reach
                         the  emerging  demands  of  the                                                                             in researching the many facets of Indian entrepreneurship. EDII leads the India chapter of the GEM
                         market  through  their  interac on                                                                          survey.
                         with the buyers, thus working out
                         avenues  for  procurement  of                                                                               Since 2011, till now, EDII has brought out 9 GEM Reports. The GEM India Report is an outcome of
                         products and commodi es.                                                                                    collective efforts of GEM India consortium that strives to capture and understand the current state of
                                                                                                                                     affairs  in  Indian  entrepreneurship.  The  GEM  India  study  is  conducted  using  a  well-established
                                                                                                                                     research methodology that provides harmonised measures about individuals’ attributes and their
                                                                                                                                     activities in different phases of entrepreneurship.
                                                         Kamalaveni's Entrepreneurial Resolve...
                                                         In  November  2022,  32-year-old  Kamalaveni  came                          The  GEM  India  study  is  conducted  using  a  well-established  GEM  research  methodology  that  is
                                                         across a banner in her village announcing a free one-                       consistent across all participating countries and generates a variety of relevant primary information on
                                                         month Handmade soap making training programme,                              different  aspects  of  entrepreneurship,  providing  harmonised  measures  about  individual's
                                                         to be conducted by EDII and Accenture. Believing her                        attributes and their activities in different phases of entrepreneurship. The key outcomes of research
                                                                                                                                     reported in the book are relevant to researchers, policymakers, entrepreneurs and corporate houses.
                                                         ins ncts, she joined the programme. Very soon, not
                                                         only was she an adept in making soaps, but was also                         Release of GEM India Report 2021-22
                                                         determined  to  float  her  own  enterprise,  given  the
                                                                                                                                     Global Entrepreneurship Monitor India Report 2021-22 was released on Jan 11, 2023 during the
                                                         knowledge  that  she  had  gained.  Kamalaveni  was
                                                                                                                                     19th Mee ng of Na onal MSME Board held at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.
                                                         assisted  in  applying  for  Udyam  registra on.
                                                         With the help of EDII, Kamalaveni connected with
                                                         suppliers in the neighbouring town, which made the
                                                         sourcing  of  raw  materials  easier  and  more  cost-
                                                         effec ve. She started making small units of phenol
                                                         and  natural  soaps,  and  began  selling  them  to
                                                         nearby shops.

                         As Kamalaveni's business expanded, her husband, developed faith in her venture and
                         started extending his support. Currently, Kamalaveni is supplying 25 phenol bo les per
                         week and earns a monthly income of up to Rs. 4000 to 5000. Kamalaveni's soap-making
                         business is also doing well. Her business has helped her become financially independent.
                         Today, she is an inspira on to several women in her village.

                         Kamalaveni's  decision  was  becoming  self-reliant  and  her  efforts  towards  making  her                The GEM Report 21-22 was released by (in the centre) Shri Narayan Rane, Hon'ble Cabinet Minister, MSME in the
                         dream a reality has paid off. She plans like an entrepreneur today. She is op mis c and                     presence of (3rd from L) Shri Bhanu Pratap Singh Verma, Hon'ble Minister of State, MSME; (R - L) Shri S Raman, Chairman
                                                                                                                                    & Managing Director, SIDBI, EDII Governing Board Member; Shri Anil Bhardwaj, Secretary General, Federa on of Indian
                         looks forward to learn con nuously so that she can take her enterprise to newer heights.
                                                                                                                                    Micro & Small and Medium Enterprises (FISME), EDII Governing Board Member; Shri B. B. Swain, Secretary, MSME & EDII
                                                                                                                                    Governing Board Member; Shri Sunil Shukla, Director General, EDII & Smt. Mercy Epao, Joint Secretary, MSME.

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