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REPORTS 113                                                                        REPORTS 113
 EDII                                                                           EDII

 ntrepreneurship  is  a  means  to  generate   l  Digital Event- Mirchi Startup Express
 employment and wealth, and thus promote
    CrAdLE-EDII in association with Radio Mirchi
 Egrowth. In the process of deepening the   Dignitaries during the Mirchi Startup Express; (L-R) Shri Pankaj Tibak, Head – FICCI Gujarat Council; Dr. Sunil Shukla,
 had organized MIRCHI STARTUP EXPRESS to
 roots  of  entrepreneurship,    business  incubators   Director General, EDII; Shri D R Parmar, Joint Industries Commissioner (Startup Gujarat Cell), Government of Gujarat and
 invite  innovative  Startup  Ideas  from  different
 have come to play a major role in terms of nurturing   Shri Bithindra Biswas, Business Director - Gujarat & MPCG of Radio Mirchi.
 parts  of  the  State.  The  event  provided  a
 enterprises  at  an  early  stage  and  helping  them
 platform  to  people  to  present  their  ideas  to
 overcome  teething  troubles;  providing  all-
 industry experts. The Grand Finale of this event
 equipped  business  environment  for  operation;   Incubation Manager, CrAdLE delivered a talk   Aspiring  technology  entrepreneur  (NIDHI-
 was organized on 5th February, 2021 at the
 extending  value  added  services  viz.  legal,   on  'Government  Funds  for  Startups'.  He   PRAYAS), Student Startup & Innovation Policy
 EDII Campus. The panel was chaired by Shri D
 financial,  technical,  IPR,  mentoring  etc.  to   discussed  funding  sources  and  gave  an   (SSIP), etc.
 R  Parmar,  Joint  Industries  Commissioner
 i n c u b a t e s ;   s t r e n g t h e n i n g   b u s i n e s s   overview  on  the  function  and  mandates  of
 (Startup Gujarat Cell), Government of Gujarat             l  Women Entrepreneurs
 skills/knowledge  of  incubates;  providing  a   Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance
 along  with  Shri  Pankaj  Tibak,  Head  –  FICCI
 platform  for  speedy  commercialization  of   Council  (BIRAC),  Small  Business  Innovation      CrAdLE  organized  an  event  on  International
 Gujarat  Council,  Shri  Bithindra  Biswas,
 technologies  developed  in  academic  and  R&D   Research  Initiative  (SBIRI),  Biotechnology   Women's  Day  on  March  8,  2021.  The  event
 Business Director - Gujarat & MPCG of Radio
 institutions of the country and facilitating business   Industry Partnership Programme (BIPP), The   was held over virtual platform where women
 Mirchi  and  Shri  Sanjay  Randhar,  Advisor  &
 networking for better and faster enterprise growth.   N a t i o n a l   S c i e n c e   &   Te c h n o l o g y   entrepreneurs  shared  their  startup  journey.
 Mentor  –  CrAdLE.  A  total  of  13  ideas  were
                Entrepreneurship  Development  Board          A s p i r i n g   e n t r e p r e n e u r s ,   s t u d e n t s ,
 India ranks third in the world after USA and China   presented in the Grand Finale and based on
 according  to  'State  of  the  Indian  Startup   their innovation quotient, market potential and   (NSTEDB),    NIDHI-SEED  Support  System,    researchers,  startups,  innovators,  and
                NIDHI-Entrepreneurs-in-Residence,  NIDHI-     ecosystem stakeholders  had been invited to
 Ecosystem' in terms of number of Start-ups. Given   scalability, top 5 best ideas were selected by
 India's growth potential,   fund infusions and the   the  judges.  The  winners  include  Show  My   Promotion  and  Acceleration  of  Young  and   attend the event.
 trust  of  investors  have  significantly  increased.   Parking, Portable Sanitizer Machine, Robofun
 EDII's  Technology  Business  Incubator,  CrAdLE   Lab Pvt. Ltd., WASH Toolbox & Befriend+.
 (Centre for Advancing and Launching Enterprises)
 l   Awareness Sessions
 initiated  in  the  year  2016  has  been  guiding,
 supporting, and mentoring  60 start-ups as on date      Sessions  on  'Customer  Acquisition  Process'   A glimpse into the women’s day celebration
 .  The  incubator  is  supported  and  catalyzed  by   and  'Government  Funds  for  Startups'  were
 NSTEDB, DST, Govt. of India and aims at fostering   organized  at  The  Maharaja  Sayajirao
 technology/knowledge  based  entrepreneurial   University  of  Baroda  on  18th  and  19th
 startups in four niche segments of manufacturing,   February, 2021. Mr. Sunil Kumar, CEO, CrAdLE
 food  processing,  renewable  energy  and   addressed  the  participants  on  'Customer
 healthcare.   Acquisition  Process',  and  talked  about
 customer acquisition at the marketplace, the
 The  activities  undertaken  under  the  aegis  of
 marketing funnel, digital marketing strategies,
 CrAdLE during January to March 2021 include:
 customer  life  cycle  etc.  Mr.  Javid  Shaikh,

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