Page 28 - EDII Report 126
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Artisan Clusters and Producer Companies Deliberate on Best Practices
A 3-day write-shop from May 9 – 11, 2024 was organized on EDII to provide a platform to key
stakeholders from four states (Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Karnataka) and
artisan clusters to discuss best practices related to the development of producer companies
supporting them. Producer Company leaders from the Kolhapur Chappal Cluster, Dahod
Pottery Cluster, Badarwas Jacket Cluster, and Channapatna Wooden Toys Cluster were a part
of this platform, in addition to the National Mission Manager for Non-Farm sectors, State
Rural Livelihood Mission officials, and NRLM (National Rural Livelihood Mission) experts.
They deliberated on the various aspects impacting cluster dynamics such as; marketing and
branding strategies, stakeholder roles and responsibilities, internal governance structures
and related areas. At the core of brainstorming sessions and discussions was the focus on
success and sustainability of artisan clusters and understanding the factors necessary for
the growth and empowerment of Producer Companies.
Results at a Glance
Enterprises promoted
98,319 (Male: 33,553; Female: 64,765; Transgender: 1)
Entrepreneurs promoted
Bank linkages facilitated
5,658 linkages with loan amount of Rs. 25.41 CR
Boosting Small Businesses in the Non-Farm Sector Board
...Startup Village Entrepreneurship Programme
The Startup Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP) is a sub-scheme under the
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM). Its primary
objective is to help members of Self Help Groups (SHGs) establish small businesses in the
non-farm sector. As National Resource Organization (NRO) , EDII implements SVEP in 18
blocks across 15 states.
Entrepreneurs promoted Bank linkages facilitated
Enterprises 98,319 5,658
promoted (Male: 33,553; linkages with loan amount
96,471 Female: 64,765; of
Transgender: 1) Rs. 25.41 CR
Equipping Mentors for Community Impact
A five-day intensive training program for SVEP mentors was held at EDII from March 28th
to April 1st, 2024. The mentors were imparted knowledge and skills to support aspiring
entrepreneurs within the programme. The training was attended by 19 mentors
representing eight states: Assam, Chhattisgarh, Jammu & Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, and Uttarakhand.
Enterprise Development, Business Plan Appraisal, Value-Chain Based Enterprises,
Building and Strengthening Businesses, Marketing Strategies for Rural Products etc. were
some of the topics that were extensively explored.
SVEP has been significantly fostering
sustainable economic growth,
e m p l o y m e n t c re a t i o n , r u ra l
entrepreneurship and empowerment
of the rural populace.
Participants of the Mentors’
Training Programme seen
with (6th from L) Prof.
Piyush Kumar Sinha, Senior
Visiting Professor & SEVP
Chief Mentor, EDII with the
mentors of SVEP and EDII