Page 27 - EDII Report 126
P. 27

Dignitaries at the camps’ valedic on,
                                                                                                                  who inspired the par cipants...
                  Achievers interacting with the participants of the 45nd and 46d Summer Camps on
                  Entrepreneurial Adventures for Youth.
                                                                                                           Smt. Rajshree Paatil
                                                                                                                              Shri Shailesh Unnithan
                                                                                                            Executive Director
                                                                                                                                General Manager
                                                                                                                                                  Director & Head of News
                                                                                                       (Business Development) Surya Group,
                                                                                                                                                 Doordarshan, Ahmedabad
                                           PIC of Valediction
                                                                                                                    Dr. Saurabh Bairathi
                                                                                                                                       Mr. Vijay R. Gupta
                                                                                                                    Managing Director,
                                                                                                                 Bairathi Shoe Company Pvt. Ltd.
                                                                                                                                       Honest Restaurant Pvt. Ltd.
 Participants of the 42nd Summer Camps on Entrepreneurial Stimulation for Children.
                           So far, EDII has groomed more than 4,781 children and youths at the National Level. As  Chennai & Board Member, EDII  State Bank of India, Ahmedabad  Director  Shri Dharmendra Tewari
                           Dr.  Pankaj  Bharti,  Camp  Leader,  EDII  puts  it,  “At  EDII,  we're  dedicated  to  shaping
                           tomorrow's leaders.  Our  National  Summer Camps, led  by tech  &  entrepreneurship
                           experts, psychologists, behavioural scientists and communication experts offer tailored
                           activities to enhance core competencies essential for success in today's dynamic world.”
                                                                     Shri  Narendra  Somani,  Chairman  and
                                                                     Managing Director, The Grand Bhagwati
                                                                     Group  was  the  Chief  Guest  at  the
                                                                     Valediction of the 43rd Summer Camp
                                                                     on  Entrepreneurial  Stimulation  for
                                                                     Children.  He  said,  “This  Camp  is  a
                                                                     testimony to the fact that well thought-
                                                                     out interventions can impart skills and
                                                                     change  perspectives  and  behaviour.  I
                                                                     am sure each one of the participant will
                                                                     excel in life. My best wishes!!!”

                            Prof. Sanjaykumar Gupta, Vice Chancellor,  Shri  Abhishek  Jain,  Film  Director  and
                            Children's  Research  University,  Producer,  awarding  certificate  to  a
                            Gandhinagar addressing the participants  participant at the valediction of the 45th
                            and their parents at the valediction of the  Summer  Camp  on  Entrepreneurial
                            42nd Summer Camp on Entrepreneurial  Adventures  for  Youth,  as  Chief  Guest.
                            Stimulation for Children, as Chief Guest.  Shri  Jain  congratulated  EDII  for
                            Prof. Gupta said, “Every child is born with  preparing the students to embark on a
                            a  unique  talent  and  as  mentors  and  transformative journey.
                            teachers,  it  is  our  responsibility  to  help
                            reach  identify  their  strengths  and  hone
                            them so that they life a rewarding life.”

                  Investing in the          •  The  Raval  family,  in  memory  of  noted  entrepreneurship
                                             exponent,  late  Dr.  H.C.  Raval,  sponsored  8  underprivileged
                        pillars              children for the camp.

                   of tomorrow...           •  The Nice and Natural Foundation extended their support by
                       an act of             sponsoring 5 students to the Summer Camp for Children.
                       kindness             On its part, EDII contributed by highly subsidizing the camp fee for
                                            the sponsored children.

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