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O u t   o f   t h e   5 2
                                      economies surveyed,
                                       India  stands  4th  on
                                       the  parameter  of
                                       ro b u st   Nat io n a l
                                                                               EDII REPORTS 125
                         'An Upward Progression in the Overall Entrepreneurial

                         Environment' – Reveals Global Entrepreneurship Monitor:

                         India Report 2022-23

                               On January 9, 2024 on the occasion of celebrating the power of MSMEs amidst a
                               galaxy of noted guests at the International Conference on 'Infusing Technology in the
                               MSME Sector, EDII launched the 10th Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) India
                               2022-23 report. EDII leads the Indian chapter of GEM which is largest study of
                               entrepreneurial dynamics. Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General, EDII, spearheads the
                               Indian team of the GEM report. The 2022-23 report reflected insightful perspectives
                               on the country's entrepreneurial landscape. The report casts a spotlight on the
                               critical  facets  of  entrepreneurial  dynamics  among  Indians,  exploring  attitudes,
                               activities and aspirations.

                               Along  with  key  research  insights,  the  report  also  provides  some  crucial  policy
                               suggestions that would sustain and promote the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the
                               country. The suggestions include entrepreneurship education at school and college
                               levels, stronger support from the government, research and policy advocacy in the
                               field of entrepreneurship, and the creation of a pool of business mentors.

       GEM  Global  Report  was
       l a u n c h e d   a t   H a s s a n   I I
        University  of  Casablanca,
        Morocco on February 13, 2024
        Major Findings:
        •  Over  the  period  2021-2023,
          India  has  transformed  its
          entrepreneurial  education
          landscape,  from  'less  than
          satisfactory'  to  'much  better
          than satisfactory'.
         •  India  ranks  second  globally,
           a f f i r m i n g   i t s   v i b r a n t
           ecosystem for innovation and
           business growth.
          •  India  is  second  after  UAE  in   The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) India 2022-23 report being
           terms  of  social  support  to   unveiled by (2nd from R) H.E. Mr. Chang Jae-Bok, Hon'ble Ambassador,
            women  entrepreneurs  and     Republic  of  South  Korea  in  the  presence  of  (3rd  from  R)  Dr.  Piruz
            their access to the resources   Khamba a, Chairman, Rasna & Chairman, CII Task Force, Ahmedabad;
            necessary  to  start  and  run   (2nd from L) Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General, EDII and Author - GEM India
            their business.               2022-23 & EDII Senior Faculty and Authors - GEM India 2022-23, (extreme
                                          R) Dr. Amit Dwivedi and (extreme L) Dr. Pankaj Bhar .

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