Page 4 - EDII Report 123
P. 4


                                 Awards & Recognition...

          Hastkala Setu Yojana, has been awarded the pres gious SKOCH Award

          The SKOCH Award,  India's  highest  independent
          civilian  honor,  is  a  testament  to  the  excep onal
          achievements of individuals, projects, and ins tu ons
          in their contribu on to society. HastKala Setu Yojana,
          which  falls  under  the  State  Government  Category,
          underwent rigorous evalua on and scru ny over a four-
          month period, culmina ng in a final panel discussion
          and ques onnaire session. Out of 42 shortlisted State
          Government projects, project Hastkala Setu emerged as
                                                            Receiving the award on behalf of EDII and the Government
          a Gold winner in ‘Ease of Doing Business’ category.
                                                            are; (R-L) Dr. Satya Ranjan Acharya, Project Director, Hastkala
                                                            Setu & Shri D. M. Shukla, GAS, Execu ve Director, Industrial
                                                            Extension Co age (Indext-C), Gujarat

                                                                           EDII-  UTKAL  Alumina  CSR
                                                                           'Project  Udyamee'  conferred
                                                                           with  10th  CSR  Times  Silver
                                                                           Award  under  the  category  of
                                                                           ‘Sustainable Livelihood Project’.

             EDII felicitated employees who  completed 10 years of  service with the Institute

             Shri Rakesh Sharma, President, EDII & Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, IDBI Bank Ltd. Mumbai, felicitating
                   Ms. Payal Patel, Admin Assistant cum Telephone Operator and Mr. Hiral Bhatt, Manager, Administration.

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