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EDII REPORTS 121                                                                                                                                                                         EDII REPORTS 121

                        Women Entrepreneurship Development Programmes:                                                                GWEDC - Project Women Entrepreneurship Development
                        During  the  quarter,  three  women  entrepreneurship  development  programmes  were                          With  women  showcasing  unparalleled  abilities  in  trail  blazing  business  and
                        conducted at Kokrud, Ratnagiri and Mandangad. 112 women entrepreneurs are trained under
                                                                                                                                                                                      innovation,  EDII,  in  association  with
                        these programmes.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Gujarat Women Economic Development
                                                                                                                                                                                      Corporation  Ltd.,  Government  of
                                                                                                                                                                                      Gujarat, has launched a mega project to
                                                                                                                                                                                      propel  this  process.  The  primary
                                                                                                                                                                                      objective  of  the  project  is  to  develop
                                                                                                                                                                                      entrepreneurial  capacity  and  business
                                                                                                                                                                                      resources among women for sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                      income  through  enterprise  creation.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Under  the  project,  all  33  districts  are
                       WEDP Par cipants at Kokrud, with (7th from L) Chief Guest, Shri Anandrao Pa l, IAS, Principal Secretary to Governor,                                           covered.  Over  the  last  three  months,
                       Tamil Nadu, (5th from L) Guest of Honour, Ms. Rajashree Paa l, Execu ve Director (Business Development), Surya  1062  potential  women  were  selected  and  trained  under  35  one-week  ‘Women
                       Group & esteemed EDII Board Member & (8th from L) Dr. Prakash Solanki, Project Director and Associate Prof., EDII.
                                                                                                                                      Entrepreneurship Development Programme’ (WEDP). The curriculum focussed on the finer
                                                                                                                                      nuances of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial soft skills, identification & selection of business
                        Suresh Persisted...                                                                                           opportunities,  preparation  of  detailed  business  plan  and  new  venture  establishment  &
                        Despite 52% disability, Suresh from Alibaug                                                                   management.  The  participants  also  visited  relevant  industries  to  understand  the  to

                        did  not  compromise  with  his  dream  of                                                                    understand the nitty gritty of operations in a business.
                        becoming a  successful entrepreneur. As he
                        sought clarity, he came to know about the
                                                                                                                                      HCL - Project SATTVA
                        UDAYA Project. He underwent a one-month
                                                                                                                                      EDII has partnered with HCL Foundation under Project SATTVA to train urban poor women
                        training  programme  on  Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                                                      from Bangalore, Hyderabad and Madurai, as a part of Urban CSR programme 'HCL Uday'.
                        Development for PwD. He was exposed to
                                                                                                                                      Project  SATTVA  focuses  on  building  the  inner  strength  of  community  institutions  such  as
                        the various aspects of entrepreneurship but                                                                   SHGs, Cluster/Block/District level Federations. This initiative is aimed at training and thus
                        most  importantly,  as  he  says,  he                                                                         ensuring new opportunities for urban poor women. The objective is to ensure sustainable
                        identified  a  business  opportunity  of  his                                                                 sources of income for women so that they get empowered and self-reliant.
                        interest  and  in  consonance  with  his
                                                                                                                                        Dr.  Raman  Gujral,  Director,  Department  of
                        skill  base.  He  also  undertook  Market  Survey  for  the  identified  business  opportunity  of              Projects  –  Corporate,  EDII  visited    HCL
                        chocolate making. The challenges were many, given his physical condition but as Suresh says,                    Foundation My Community Initiative Project
                                                                                                                                        location,  Keerathurai  to  review  the  Millet
                        “EDII trainers and TCL made it all like a cakewalk for me. Challenges were there but I enjoyed                  processing and Cotton Bags manufacturing
                        the journey as I was waiting to reach the peak which I was certain about reaching.”                             Common  Facility  Centers.  Dr.  Gujral
                                                                                                                                        appreciated  the  entrepreneurs  for  their
                                                                                                                                        efforts  and  gave  useful  insights  into  new
                        EDII team helped him to prepare a business plan and he also applied for funding support                         market trends and attractive packaging. He
                        under CMEGP scheme. Suresh identified his site for business also with the help of his mentors,                  also visited Hyderabad Asifnagar location on
                                                                                                                                        23rd  February,  2023  to  discuss  the  way
                        and  started with business  with all hopes  and  enthusiasm. Today, Suresh  is into  a  viable                  forward and to interact with the beneficiaries
                        business and is living his dream. He is gradually expanding his business and its reach.                         on product development.

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