Page 16 - EDII Report 129
P. 16

Uttar Pradesh Strengthens its

                          Entrepreneurial Roots

                           Uttar Pradesh is poised to establish a world-class startup ecosystem by building strong
                           knowledge edifice and a supportive policy environment. The state is attracting attention
                           for  its  growing  opportunities  and  potential.  EDII  is  committed  to  strengthening
                           entrepreneurial  feats  in  this  resource-rich  state.  EDII’s  Regional  Centre  in  Lucknow
                           emphasizes entrepreneurship development and fosters entrepreneurial culture in the
                           state  by  developing  skills,  knowledge  and  attitude  among  a  diverse  cross  section  of

                           During the last two months, 9 Entrepreneurship Awareness Programmes (EAPs) were
                           conducted by EDII under Entrepreneurship Skill Development Programme (ESDP) project,
                           supported by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Govt. of India.

                           Alongside these, 5 six-week Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs) were
                           conducted to train and develop youths with entrepreneurial competencies and skills,
                           especially form marginalized sections of society such as Persons with Disabilities, ex -
                           servicemen, women and disadvantaged individuals.

                           475 individuals were trained under these programmes in Gorakhpur and Khushinagar.
                           Most  trained  youths,  identified  small  business  opportunities  and  are  pacing  towards
                           setting up sustainable and rewarding businesses under the guidance of EDII mentors.

                             Participants of Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme at Dharampur Tiraha, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh.

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