Page 20 - EDII Report 126
P. 20

Women Don the Entrepreneurial Cap
                          ….Project UNNATI supported by NTPC

                          Entrepreneurship has emerged as a powerful tool for livelihood generation by harnessing
                          indigenous resources. With the support of National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC),
                          EDII  is  committed  to  facilitating  New  Enterprise  Creation  among  the  underprivileged
                          women in the vicinity of NTPC Project locations: Noida & Auraiya (Uttar Pradesh), Singrauli
                          & Gadarwara (Madhya Pradesh) and Sipat (Chhattisgarh). EDII has established one Cold
                          Compressed Oil Unit to benefit the beneficiaries. The initiative is being complemented by
                          appropriate training and handholding to the participating women. NTPC has taken this
                          initiative as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility to empower women and make
                          them  entrepreneurial  and  self-sustaining.  Till  date,  Entrepreneurship  Development
                          Training Programme (EDTP) was conducted at 4 locations. So far, 120 women have been
                          trained. Dr. Anjani Kumar Singh is the Project Director.

                            Mrs.  Kiran  Singh  who
                            possesses an understanding
                            on oils and their properties
                            during her visit to the Cold
                            Compressed Oil Unit.

                           Strengthening SHGs
                          …Project Subhalaxmi Udyogini, supported by Vedanta Alumina Limited

                          Subhalaxmi Co-operative, one of India’s largest rural women’s co-operatives supported by
                          Vedanta  Alumina  Ltd,  launched  a  three-year  ‘Udyogini’  project  from  August  2022  to
                          continue till  August 2025 to promote entrepreneurship among rural women residing in
                          Jharsuguda and nearby areas. The project, launched in collaboration with EDII aims to
                          strengthen  the  Subhalaxmi  Bahumukhee  Mahila  Samabaya  Samiti  Ltd.  by  creating  a
                          membership base of 10,000 members with enterprise promotion for 70% of members
                          underlined with handholding and technical support.  The outcomes are projected in the
                          form  of  raising  the  income  levels  of  members  upto  50%  from  the  current  level,  and
                          convergence  with  the  government-sponsored  scheme.  Need-based  technical  support
                          based  on  legal  and  policy  revision  of  Co-operatives  and  providing  handholding  and
                          mentoring support to cooperatives to reach national and international platforms, are the
                          major highlights. The project is led by Mr. Bishnu Prasad Panda, Assistant Professor and Mr.
                          Sachikanta Mallick, Sr. Project Officer.

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