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EDII  REPORTS 124                                                                                                                                                                       EDII REPORTS 124

                          While the country is home to youth, women, children, artisans, minorities, disadvantaged
                          and many other segments, an important section comprises the differently abled, whose
                                                                                                                                                         Project Udyamee Gets Awarded...
                          holistic growth, development and empowerment is also the responsibility of society. It is
                          our responsibility to ensure that all necessary support, infrastructure, and opportunities                                     Utkal Alumina was awarded the prestigious INDIA CSR Award (Winner)
                          are extended to them to ensure that they are not deprived of opportunities.                                                    for ‘Project UDYAMEE’ under the category Enterprise Development
                                                                                                                                                         and recognized EDII’s work for their CSR initiatives in creating an impact
                          Entrepreneurship being an effective tool for empowerment, it is important to discuss                                           and achieving sustainable growth.
                          enablement  of  PwDs  through  sustainable  enterprise  creation;  creating  a  set  of  best                                  Project UDYAMEE aims to promote youth entrepreneurs from Kashipur
                          practices in the context of infrastructure, perception, environment, security and other                                        Block of Rayagada and Thuamul Block of Kalahandi in non-farm and
                          facilities  to  promote  their  complete  inclusion  in  society;  floating  ways  to  ensure  an                              agri-allied sectors through Rural Incubation Centre in three years.
                          integrative working environment; deciding on an inventory of business opportunities that
                                                                                                                                 The Institute’s Governing Board Meeting was conducted on January 6, 2024 under the
                          PwDs could tap into to create own enterprises; aligning the interventions with sustainable
                                                                                                                                 Presidentship of Shri Rakesh Sharma, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, IDBI
                          development goals and breaking the professional segregation in society that relegates
                                                                                                                                 Bank Ltd. Esteemed Board Members brainstormed over EDII’ growth trajectory amidst
                          disableds to lower paying jobs.
                                                                                                                                 the external developments.

                          It makes me happy to state that through various CSR interventions with corporates, EDII
                          has  so  far  trained  8,533  PwDs  through  266  skill  training  programs,  leading  to  the
                          establishment of 1,247 enterprises. The Institute also houses the Centre for Empowerment
                          of  the  Differently  Abled  (CEDA),  supported  by  the  Department  of  Social  Justice  &
                          Empowerment,  Directorate  of  Social  Defense,  Gujarat  State  Handicapped  (Divyang)
                          Finance & Development Corporation, Government of Gujarat, on its campus. I am glad
                          that  Government, corporates and  the  society  in  general,  have started thinking  about

                          inclusive development wherein empowering PwDs is high on priority. There is emphasis
                          on curating sustainable business opportunities and viable entrepreneurial prospects, and
                          on ensuring that the PwDs get suitably trained and handheld.

                           Two of the recent roundtable meets (in Delhi & Mumbai) for Corporates to 'Support,

                          Activate and Build Assured Livelihoods (SABAL) for Persons with Disabilities under CSR
                          Actions', organized under the aegis of Department of Empowerment of Persons with
                          Disabilities (DEPwD), Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India,
                          met with huge corporate representation. The discussions were promising.

                          I am sure, Amrit Kaal ka Bharat will have opportunities galore for all.

                          Best Wishes !!!

                                                                                              - Sunil Shukla

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