Page 47 - EDII Report 123
P. 47


                              Collaborations, Associations &


                                                                                EDII entered into an MoU
                                                                                with  Entrepreneurship
                                                                                D e v e l o p m e n t   a n d
                                                                                Innovation Institute, Tamil
                                                                                Nadu (EDII-Tamil Nadu) on
                                                                                September 6 for fostering
                                                                                e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
                                                                                education,  training  and
                                                                                research  across  the  state.
                                                                                Seen  here  is  (4th  from  L)
                                                                                Shri  C  Umashankar,  IAS,
                                                                                ACS  /  Director,  EDII-Tamil
                                                                                Nadu with Dr. Sunil Shukla,
                                                                                Director  General,  EDII
                                                                                alongwith  senior  officials
                                                                                of EDII- Tamil Nadu.

             On  September  15,  Dr.  K.  Prakasan,
             Principal,  PSG  College  of  Technology
             visited EDII to sign an MoU to establish a
             Centre  of  Excellence  in  StartUps/
             Entrepreneurship.  The  students  will
             benefit  through  an  Entrepreneruship-
             Lab  which  will  offer  collaborative
             training  programmes,  mentoring  and
             g u i d a n c e   i n   d i v e rs e   a re a s   o f
             Entrepreneurship and Startups.

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