Other Major International Assignment
Supported ED initiatives in over 70 countries
- Set up UNIDO’s Inter Regional Centre for Entrepreneurship & Investment Training at EDII
- Set up Arab Regional Centre for Entrepreneurship & Investment Training (ARCEIT) to cement entrepreneurship-related interventions in the Arab region
- Implemented a two-phased project to promote entrepreneurship in Bahrain, Mozambique, Sudan, Lao PDR and Yemen
- Set up Saudi Entrepreneurship Development Institute (SEDI) at Jeddah
- Set up to Investment Advisory Centre (IAC) at Mozambique to facilitate potential and existing entrepreneurs
- Set up Entrepreneurship Development Centres at Royal Govt. of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV) under Asia’s commitment to initiatives of ASEAN integration, supported by the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India; centres at Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan are underway
- Institutionalised entrepreneurship education in technical and vocational streams in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Over 500 resource persons trained, who in turn sensitised over 500,000 people to take up entrepreneurship as a career
- Capacity building in various facets of entrepreneurship of around 250 professionals from around 60 developing countries every year under ITEC, Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India –sponsored programmes