International Centers
Existing Centers
Centres in CLMV Nations and the Future Plans
EDII vision also advocates the strategy of institution-building for forging entrepreneurship as an International Movement. In order to, therefore, replicate its success story of promoting first generation entrepreneurs through training and counselling interventions, the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India had assigned to it the prestigious task of setting up EDII-like Entrepreneurship Development Centres (EDCs) in Lao PDR, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Myanmar (CLMV nations). The Centres have successfully been yielding appreciable results. Following this success, the Ministry has now assigned EDII the task of setting up such Centres in Uzbekistan and five African countries. Beginning with the need assessment study and identification of viable business opportunities, leading to planned interventions, such as, evolving an appropriate policy framework for promotion of SMEs, undertaking advocacy for implementation of entrepreneur-friendly policies, conducting appropriate training programmes for potential and existing entrepreneurs, setting up incubators and developing SME Clusters under an umbrella ED organisation in the target countries. The objective is to create a sound economic structure and promote healthy bilateral relations. These countries have the potential to evolve from traditional, less productive economies to industrially prosperous economies. The transition, of course, is being supported by several economic and policy adjustments, which have made the need for entrepreneurial initiatives blatant than ever before. Indigenous, competent entrepreneurs can only get them assimilated with mainstream markets. Hence, globally competitive entrepreneurs who can exploit and manage resources for the benefit of the economy, besides creating jobs for others and of course, benefiting themselves are a pressing need.
Therefore, the Centres would gradually develop into Centres of Excellence and work to create viable and competitive new enterprises and strengthen the existing ones.

LIEDC will spearhead Entrepreneurship Development Movement in Lao PDR and will be the centre of excellence for facilitating creation of viable and competitive enterprises and strengthening the existing ones for global competition’.
- Entrepreneurship Development Programmes for New enterprise Creation Performance Improvement and Growth Programme for existing entrepreneurs Training of Entrepreneurship Development Trainers/ Teachers
- Sensitizing Environment and support System for Entrepreneurship
- Small Industries Management Assistance Programme (SIMAP)
- Micro-credits and Micro-enterprise promotion
- Extension Motivation Training,
- Entrepreneurial Assessment and Project Appraisal Workshops for Bankers and Financial Institutes
- Management Development programme for industries and institutes /NGOs. Facilitating B2B Interaction (Marketing, Technology, JV)
- Computer application, e-commerce, e-finance, e-marketing etc
- Man-power development based on organizational needs, OD Consultancy and Training
- Research related to Project Evaluation and appraisal,
- Publication, Documentation
- Data Bank
- Seminars, Work shops, Conferences
Major Entrepreneurship Development Programmes of LIEDC
- Enterprise Development Programme
- Family Business Management
- Business Plan Writing
- Financial Literacy and Awareness
- Business Group Formation
- Know About Business
- Start Your Business
- Village Bank Management
- Sales Management
- Business Model Analysis
Major Skill Development Programmes
- Training and Meeting Technique
- Digital Marketing
- Garment Manufacturing
- Financial Management
- Book Keeping and Accounting
- Computer Network System
It envisions to be a nationally and internationally recognized Entrepreneurship and TVET Institution through the use of modern facilities with qualified and professional trainers
The Institute focused on several initiatives to help create conducive environment in Cambodia in which, entrepreneurship germinated and grew. The list of activities included;
- Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs)
- Technology related EDPS
- Family Business Programmes
- Training of Trainers, Faculty Development
- MDPs for Industry Associations / NGOs
- Skill Development Programmes
- Soft Skill/ Language Learning Workshops
- Computer applications for Small Business
- Research and consultancy
Long and Short Duration Programmes:
The Institute had a list of long and short duration programmes as presented below;
Bachelor and Associate’s Degree :
- Entrepreneurship and management
- Information technology
- Tourism and hospitality
- English languages
Entrepreneurship Courses:
- Monitoring and Evaluation of “Buy Cambodian Products Trade Fair”
- Training on Trade Fair Preparation for members of Business Associations
- Accounting for Small Business Owners
- Training on SME Management
- Use of English in Business Communication,
- Agro Business, Fast Food, Chinese Food, Bakery & Pastry, Barista, and Ice-cream & Cake
Technical and Vocational Training Skills:
- Air-conditioner installation and repairing
- Building electrical installation
- Graphic Design and Silk Screen
Skill Development Courses (90 Nos.) :
- Garment stitching, Dressmaker
- Glass cutting and aluminium frame
- Phone/mobile repairing
- Hair-cut, Hair dressing, Beauty Salon
- Office administrative skills
- Mushroom growing
- Western Food, Khmer & Food
Entrepreneurship Promotion and Enterprise Development
Entrepreneurship Education and Training
Entrepreneurship Promotion and Enterprise Development
Promoting SME Entrepreneurship
Upcoming Centers