Following Programmes have been undertaken with the support of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD):
- Financial Literacy Programmes (FLPs) to provide insights into formal credit avenues, accessing financial services and planning towards economic security. Over 600 participants trained from 2013-2015.
- Skill Development Initiatives (SDI) in various districts of Uttar Pradesh to provide inputs in entrepreneurship & schemes of assistance, project selection & its pre-feasibility, project report preparation and management during the first quarter of 2020. – In the second quarter, SDI programme was conducted at Basti (Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning) and the study on Red Terracotta Pottery Industries with Special Reference to Villages under Bhathat Block of Gorakhpur District’ was completed.
- A total of 60 trainees participated in SDI programmes conducted at Basti and Mau and 30 more trainees were a part of the ongoing two-month SDI programme being conducted at Deoria in the last quarter of 2020.
- A total of 180 trainees participated in SDI programmes conducted at Deoria, Mau, Kushinagar, Balrampur, Siddharthnagar and Ballia in first quarter of 2021.
- A total of 90 trainees participated in SDI programmes conducted at Shravasti, Jaunpur, and Unnao in second quarter of 2021.
- Promotion of Women SHGs (WSHGs) in Dhenkanal, Odisha: This four-year project focused on providing poor households in rural hinterlands of Dhenkanal, access to sustainable banking services. The project supported livelihood development programmes for the poor, through formation of Women Self Help Groups (SHGs). As a result, 1000 WSHGs have been formed, 1000 savings bank accounts opened with cumulative savings of Rs. 85 lakhs and Rs. 362.63 lakh have been sanctioned and disbursed to WSHGs
- Technology Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (TEDPs) in various districts of Uttar Pradesh to orient people towards the ways and means of adopting businesses that are based on technology.
- Pottery Cluster Development Programme in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, a 5-year project aimed at revitalising the cluster on the parameters of processes, market, networks and innovations. (2015)
- Wooden Toys & Jewellery Cluster Development Programme in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh to revitalize the cluster.
- Management Support for Implementation of DFID ‘Skill for Jobs’ Programme (2015) : The 5-year project supported by a consortium of technical agencies viz., Price-Water-House Coopers (PWC) Pvt. Ltd., Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), NABARD Consultancy Services (NABCONS) and Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad, aims at developing ‘skills eco-system’ so that jobs could be generated for the poor. The State Skill Development Missions of the respective states were provided capacity building support to develop an institutional structure to coordinate skill development initiatives; set up an effective mechanism to monitor skill building initiatives in the state; and establish skill development committees in high demand sectors involving sector-specific councils (SSCs) and National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)
- The NABARD-Bhubaneswar Project – ‘Sustaining Community Livelihood through Farming of Anantamula-A Herbal Creeper’, implemented in Kantol Gram Panchayat of Kankadahad Block, Dhenkanal District, focused on forming a ‘Growers Cooperative of Anantamula Herbs’ to ensure better practices for making it a commercially viable product. 1000 nurseries of Anantamula were raised and samplings distributed in three villages viz., Kadabapal, Bahadapal and Rekuti in Kantol panchayat involving 6 SHGs. (2013)
- Micro Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (MEDPs) on various trades were organised in Gorakhpur. The latest programme on Terracotta was conducted for 30 participants from 06 SHGs of Hafiznagar village of Bhatahat Block of Gorakhpur district. The programme organized during 11-23 February 2022 was sponsored by NABARD under Micro Enterprise Development Program (MEDP) scheme. The objective of the training program was to ensure livelihood and income generation opportunities for the trainees (mostly SHG members) by way of placement or by helping them set up their own units. The programme inputs enhanced capacities of participants through appropriate skill upgradation in existing or new livelihood activities in farm or non-farm activities and enriched their knowledge on enterprise management, business dynamics and rural markets.
- As NABARD’s agency for promoting Women Self-Help Groups (WSHGs) in the 21 Left Wing Extremism (LWE) Districts in Odisha, the Institute sensitized women leaders from 50 WSHGs on the importance and role of WSHGs towards developing livelihood-based self-employment skills in under-developed and resource poor regions. (2012)
- EDII has been awarded ‘Excellent Performance in NABARD sponsored SDI Programme’ in 2020. The award was presented by Hon’ble Finance Minister of Uttar Pradesh Shri Suresh Khanna.
- NABARD (OFPO-PI) (2021)
EDII has been selected as the ‘Off-Farm Producer Organization-Promoting Institution’ for Gorakhpur Terracotta Cluster. Sponsored by NABARD, the project will focus on developing the socio-economic status of artisans of Gorakhpur Terracotta cluster. The main aim of OFPO is to ensure better income for the producers through an organization of their own.
As the Producer Organization Promoting Institution (POPI), EDII is carrying out cluster identification, diagnostic and feasibility studies, business planning, mobilization of artisans and registration/incorporation of PO, resource mobilization, development of management systems and procedures, and assessment and audit. The Institute will also build the capabilities of the Staff and Management of the PO through training and continuous hand-holding.
- Diagnostic Study and DPR preparation of Duttapukur Terracotta and Pottery Cluster (2019)
Sponsored by NABARD, the activity focused on understanding prospects and constraints of the cluster, create need-based infrastructure, and upgrade the skill level of artisans to improve their standard of living.
- Project Parisar was launched on 29th September, 2021, at Mysore, in the presence of Chief General Manager, NABARD. The project focuses on the manufacture of coconut leaf straws from naturally fallen dried coconut leaves. Supported by NABARD under Gramya Vikas Nidhi Scheme and implemented by EDII, the project will support 100 rural women in generating income and employment through the production of coconut leaf straws.
The pilot project is proposed in five villages in Mysore District, Karnataka. The villages selected are Jaibheemngar, Mellahalli (Dairy), Mellahalli (Nayakarabeedi), Mati, and Makanahalli
Core Activities

Centre for Empowerment of Differently Abled (CEDA)
State and Societies have continually sought to institute plans and methods to evolve an inclusive approach to growth so that the struggles of the disadvantaged and the deprived could be reduced, and they could be integrated in the mainstream social structure. Several amiable policies and approaches have been put in place to ensure their wellbeing, including that of the differently abled whose daily struggles for living and livelihood are overwhelming.

Start-Up Village Entrepreneurship Programme
EDII has been roped in as a National Resource Organisation (NRO) for implementing the largest PAN-India rural poverty eradication programme, the Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP). SVEP is the sub-scheme under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) with the objective of helping Self Help Groups (SHGs) and their family members to set-up small enterprises in the non-farm sector.

Hastkala Setu Yojana
As knowledge partner to the Commissionerate of Cottage Industries, Government of Gujarat, EDII is working on conceptualizing, developing, implementing and evaluating an integrated model to strengthen the cottage & rural entrepreneurship ecosystem in the state.

Srinagar Mega Carpet Cluster
EDII functions as Cluster Management and Technical Agency (CMTA) for Srinagar Mega Carpet Cluster Project under Comprehensive Handicraft Cluster Development Project of Ministry of Textiles, Government of India. The objective of the project is to facilitate development of mega carpet cluster, with necessary infrastructure support and modern production facilities to enable the industry to meet various legal and trade commitments.

Skill And Entrepreneurship Development Programme For Tourism Sector
At the behest of Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Ltd. (TCGL), EDII has been conducting ‘Skill and Entrepreneurship Development Training programmes’ for stakeholders associated with the Tourism sector. Especially designed, 15-day programmes focus on enhancing skills of participants

Programmes For The Disadvantaged Sections Of Society
Under support of National SC-ST Hub (NSSH) Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt. Of India, EDII conducts 4-week Entrepreneurship Development Programmes for SC/ST youth. The programmes cover the states of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Assam.

Sustainable Livelihood Initiatives In Uttar Pradesh
Rural Entrepreneurship and development strategies are being undertaken in a big way to ensure alleviation of poverty and unemployment.

Food Processing Sector
In 2003-04, the Ministry of Food Processing, Govt. of India assigned to EDII the task of promoting and creating new enterprises across the country by conducting Entrepreneurship Development Programmes.

Gujarat Women Economic Development Corporation Ltd. (GWEDC)
Under the sponsorship of Gujarat Women Economic Development Corporation Ltd. (GWEDC), Govt. of Gujarat, EDII initiated one-year programme in 2020 focussing on developing the entrepreneurial capacity of women and enabling them to build their business resources to ensure sustainable income through enterprise creation.

Programmes undertaken with the support of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)

Honing the Enterprising Spirit of North Eastern India
With the support of North East Centre for Technology Application and Reach (NECTAR), Department of Science & Technology (DST), EDII designed a skillpreneurship programme to train 200 local unemployed youths of Sootea, Sonitpur Dist. in Assam.

MP Tourism
Backed by Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board, EDII is promoting entrepreneurship in the tourism sector in Madhya Pradesh with customised Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Programmes.

Inspiring Entrepreneurship in Bihar
To enhance communication skills, IT literacy skills and soft skills among Bihar’s Youth, EDII in collaboration with Bihar Skill Development Mission (BSDM) initiated Bihar Skill Development Programme under ‘Kushal Yuva Program’. The project aims at enhancing the employability Skills of all aspirants in the age group of 15-28 years, who have passed at least 10th class or 12th class, have dropped out of formal education and are looking for jobs.

National Rural Economic Transformation Project [NRETP]
The Ministry of Rural Development (MORD) has launched NRETP with an aim to promote cluster development in the farm and nonfarm sector. The key focus of the project is to transform the economic participation of institutional groups by enabling them to engage in farm and non-farm activities with a strong footing.

Promoting Science & Technology Entrepreneurship
Science and technology has come to acquire a unique place in the domain of entrepreneurship. Thinking out-of-the-box and being creative are some of the traits of a successful entrepreneur and have by far become the most distinguishing aspects of entrepreneurship. There is accent on instilling entrepreneurship with technology to create viable and futuristic enterprises.

Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)
Some of the notable initiatives under the support of Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)

Entrepreneurship Awareness Programmes (EAPs) for Potential Women Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII) in collaboration with National Commission for Women (NCW) has planned to conduct 100 Entrepreneurship Awareness Programs (EAPs)

Devbhoomi Udyamita Yojana
“Devbhoomi Udyamita Yojana (DUY) is an initiative of the Department of Higher Education, Govt. of Uttarakhand which is being implemented by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmedabad across the state of Uttarakhand.

Goa Udyamita Yojana
The Goa Udyamita Yojana was launched on March 12th 2024 at the hands of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Goa, Dr. Pramod Sawant. The Yojana envisions to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Goa by harnessing the potential of human capital and indigenous resources, thus ensuring a high incidence of New Enterprise Creation and MSME growth.