Zahoor Ahmad Paray
Assistant Faculty

Fellowship Programme in Management,
M. Phil. (Economics)
Areas of Specialization
Zahoor Ahmad Paray
Assistant Faculty
Teaching/Training :
- Foundation programme in entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship finance
- Idea generation and business development, Incubation support system and ecosystem
- Start-up and business plan
- Research methodology
- Biography
- Papers/Chapters
- Research Publications
- Conferences/ Seminars attended
- Associations
An academician and researcher with 8 years of experience, Mr. Paray's areas of specialization include development economics, entrepreneurship development, entrepreneurship finance, venture growth, and entrepreneurial marketing. He has participated in many international and national conferences and presented his research. He is widely published, including 8 research articles in Scopus and ABDC indexed journals.
- Paray Z. A., and Sharma, L. (2022). Impact of Behavioural Attributes and Enterprise Related Capital on Micro-enterprise Growth . Int. J. of Globalisation and Small Business, Accepted for publication DOI: 10.1504/IJGSB.2022.10051291
- Paray, Z. A., & Singla, N. (2021). Exploring state interventions in entrepreneurship development in India: evidence from Jammu and Kashmir. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 42(3), 300-317 DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2018.10027760 (Scopus and ABDC (C)
- Kumar, S., Paray, Z.A. and Dwivedi, A.K. (2021), "Student’s entrepreneurial orientation and intentions: A study across gender, academic background, and regions", Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 78-91. (Scopus and ABDC (C)
- Paray, Z.A. and Kumar, S. (2020), "Does entrepreneurship education influence entrepreneurial intention among students in HEI’s? The role of age, gender and degree background", Journal of International Education in Business, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 55-72. (Scopus and ABDC (C)
- Kumar, S., Paray, Z. A., Sharma, N., & Dwivedi, A. K. (2020). Influence of Entrepreneurship Education and University Ecosystem on Individual’s Entrepreneurship Readiness. In Entrepreneurship and Regional Development (pp. 305-322). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. (Scopus)
- Gulzar A. and Paray Z. A., (2018) Growth of Tourism in India: Reflections on the entrepreneurship tourism and Innovation, Tourism Idustry: Opportunities and Challenges. P (43-55), Curriculum Vitae 4 ISBN 978-93-87460-61-4
- Paray, Z. A. (2019). Book review: The search for entrepreneurship: Finding more questions than answers. International Small Business Journal, 37 (8). Pp. 831-832. DOI: (ABDC: A)
- Dennis R. Young, Richard Steinberg, Rosemarie Emanuele and Walter o. Simmons (Eds.), Economics for Nonprofit Managers and Social Entrepreneurs. Journal of Entrepreneurship 29 (1): 211-215. DOI: 10.1177/0971355719893525 (ABDC: C)
- Paper presentation on “Understating Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on Start-up Intention: A study of Indian Higher Education Institutions” in 9th CERE 2018 IIM Indore, 03-06 May, 2018.
- Paper presentation on “Self-efficacy and Institutional Environment Impact Entrepreneurial Intention in Indian Higher Learning Institutions” in 1st PANIIT Conference, IIT Roorkee, 30 November to 2 December 2018.
- Paper presentation on “Assessing Role of Micro Enterprise: A Study of Nascent Entrepreneurs of Jammu and Kashmir State” in 1st PANIIT Conference, IIT Roorkee, 30 November to 2 December 2018.
- Paper presentation on “Understanding Entrepreneurial Competencies among Undergraduate Students from Family Business Background” in 6th PANIIM, IIM Bangalore, 12-15 December 2018.
- Paper presentation on “Measuring Individual’s Entrepreneurial Orientation in Indian Higher learning Institutions” in 6th PANIIM, IIM Bangalore, 12-15 December 2018.
- Paray Z A and Kumar A (2017). An Empirical Analysis of Entrepreneurship in MSME’s: A Global Perspective. Paper presented at Twelth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship, EDII, Ahmedabad 22-24 February.
- Paray Z A (2017). Gender Inequality and Social Perceptions: Entrepreneurship as a Human Development Approach. Paper presented at Twelth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship, EDII, Ahmedabad 22-24 February.
- Paray Z A, Kumar S and Kaur K (2019). Tourism and Artisan Entrepreneurship in India: An Understanding from the Literature. Paper presented at Thirteenth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship, EDII, Ahmedabad 20-22 February.
- Kumar S and Paray Z A (2019). SME Performance: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda. Paper presented at Thirteenth Biennial Conference on EDII, Ahmedabad 20-22February.
- Paray Z and Kumar S (2019). Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurial skill and Ecosystem and Entrepreneurial Intention: An Impact study in Indian Regions. Paper presented at 5th IMIB-EGADE (29-30 November) 2019, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa.
- Paray Z and Pal s (2020). Business globalization: understanding micro-enterprise strategies for venturing into emerging markets. Paper presented at INDAM 2020, IIM Trichy Tamilnadu. 2-4 january
- Paray Z and Kumar S (2020). Entrepreneurship Education, Institutional Support,
- Innovativeness and Start-up Intention: An empirical impact study. Paper presented at ICEFB 2020, IIT Bombay
- Paray, Z. A., Arafat, M. Y., & Saleem, I. (2021). Human Capital, Social Capital and BOP Entrepreneurs: A GEM Data Analysis. Paper presented at Thirteenth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship, EDII, Ahmedabad 25-27 February.
- Paray, Z. A., & Kumar, S. (2021). Studying the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Selfefficacy, University Ecosystem and Entrepreneurial Intention in India. Paper presented at Thirteenth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship, EDII, Ahmedabad 25-27 February