Sivan Ambattu
Assistant Professor (Grade-II)

Certified International Trainer for Start & Improve Your Business (SIYB) Programme, by ILO
Certified International Trainer for Expand Your Business (SIYB) Programme, by ILO
Areas of Specialization
- Project Management
- Women Empowerment
- Youth Entrepreneurship
- Value Chain development and establishment of producers’ organization.
Sivan Ambattu
Assistant Professor (Grade-II)
Projects :
- Women Empowerment Project implemented by United Nations Development Programme-UNDP at Eastern Uttar Pradesh
- Alternative Livelihood Project implemented by International Labour Organization through United Nations Team for Recovery and Support
- Youth Empowerment Project being implemented by Kerala State Youth Welfare Board
- KUDUMBASHREE – a women empowerment project of Government of Kerala
- Biography
- Books
A versatile professional in the field of entrepreneurship and project management. Developed strong linkages with state government, national, and international developmental agencies besides bilateral and multilateral organizations. Areas of specialization includes strategy formulation, donor management, partnership development, establishing rural business institutions, value-chain development, cluster development, start-up facilitation, incubation management, and youth and women entrepreneurship. Expert in rebuilding the economy after natural disasters like Tsunami and Earthquake. Authored 12 publications and several articles and reports.
Padavukal - This books talks about the possibilities and potentials on formation and establishment of enterprises in Kerala. First chapter briefs on the potential linkage of Youth as entrepreneur. It further narrates contribution of enterprises in nation building.
Expand Your Business - This book is an operation manual for existing entrepreneurs. The book was developed on the basis of enterprise creation experience gained by ILO at international level.
Chelavu nirdharanam : 978-92-2-820931-0
Samramba Asoothranam : 978-92-2-820937-2
Stock Niyantranam – 978-92-2-820933-4
Vipananam – 978-92-2-820939-6
Vangal – 978-92-2-820935-8
Record Sookshikal –978-92-2- 820941-9
Ningaluda Sarmbam Aarambikuka – 978-92-2-820927-3
Saramba Pravarthana Rekha – 978-92-2-820929-7
Ningalude Sarmba Aasayam Roopapeduthal –978-92-2- 820925-9
All these books are providing how to start and establish a micro and small enterprises. Each book talks about functional management of the enterprise.