Reshmi Banerjee
Assistant Professor

- PhD (Women Entrepreneurs),
- MBA – Finance, (Hons.)
Areas of Specialization
Accounts and Finance
Reshmi Banerjee
Assistant Professor
Teaching/Training :
- Financial Accounting,
- Cost and Management Accounting,
- Financial Management
- Biography
- Papers/Chapters
- Research Publications
- Conferences/ Seminars attended
Dr. Reshmi Banerjee has more than 15 years of academic and corporate experience. While she has served at noted academic institutions, her experience at corporate houses such as; PricewaterhouseCoopers has been rich and diverse. Her key areas of specialization are accounts and finance. For three consecutive years, her research was recognized with the ‘Best Paper Award’ at the International Conference hosted by Gujarat Technological University. Her research interest focuses on women entrepreneurship. She has numerous papers, and research publications to her credit.
- Limbachiya, D and Banerjee, R. (2024), “Unveiling Investor Sentiments: Decoding Perceptions Towards Socially Responsible Investments” presented at Transcendence…Xen Z- A National Conference on Elevating India’s Business Landscape, Organised by Faculty of Management, Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya from 1st March to 3rd March 2024 at SV Institute of Management, Kadi
- Banerjee, R., Menon, R and Mishra, L. (2024), “Being Organic: A Leap towards Sustainability” presented at the International Conference Trends and Challenges in Digital Era organised by Patrician College of Arts & Science, Chennai on 9th February, 2024
- Mishra, L, Banerjee, R. and Menon, R. (2024), “Revived Entrepreneurship and Technology Use in Business: An Unorganized Sector Perspective” presented at the International Conference Trends and Challenges in Digital Era organised by Patrician College of Arts & Science, Chennai on 9th February, 2024
- Mishra, L, Banerjee, R. and Singh, V, (2023), “Unveiling Cultural Convergence: A Cross-Cultural Study of Hallyu’s Influence on India’s Gen Z”. presented at the Pritam Singh Memorial (PRISM) conference on Reimagining the Future of Business: The challenges of Leadership, Digitalization, and Sustainability at BIMTECH - Noida from 17th to 19th November, 2023
- Trivedi, T, Mishra, L and Banerjee, R. (2023), “Factors influencing Entrepreneurial Intentions of Youth in Gujarat: Does Attitude play a Mediating Role?” presented at the International conference on "Restructuring, Revamping, and Rebuilding Independent India: Reforms in Agricultural, Administrative, Economic, and Entrepreneurial Sectors at PDEU from 16th to 18th August, 2023
- Banerjee, R., and Desai, A. (2020), “Factors Impacting the Performance of Women Entrepreneurs in MSMEs” published in the proceedings with ISBN: 978-81-949278-6-0 at International E-Conference on Advances in Management, Social Sciences and Technology organised by Indian Academicians and Researchers Association (IARA) on 30th August 2020
- Banerjee, R, Mishra, L, and Singh, V. (2020), "A Study on the Perception of Young Women towards Entrepreneurship in Ahmedabad" presented at 2nd International Conference on Entrepreneurship & Family Business (ICEFB) at IIT Bombay from 9-11 January 2020
- Banerjee, R. and Dave, R. (2016), "A Study of Financial Impact of Lean Manufacturing Scheme on MSME Units of ITAMMA Cluster in Gujarat" poster presentation at 6th India Finance Conference 2016, at IIM Ahmedabad from 19-21 December 2016
- Banerjee, R., Menon, R and Mishra, L. (2024), Being Organic: A Leap towards Sustainability. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 4(1), 456-463, E-ISSN: 2691-1361
- Trivedi, T., Mishra, L. and Banerjee, R. (2024), Factors influencing Entrepreneurial Intentions of Youth in Gujarat: Does Attitude play a Mediating Role? The Liberal Studies Journal, 9(I), ISSN No. 2455-9857
- Mishra, L, Banerjee, R. and Singh, V. (2024), Hallyu And Beyond: A Study of Cross-Cultural Dynamics in India's Gen Z. International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Science, 20(1), No.15, ISSN: 2347-4777
- Limbachiya, D., and Banerjee, R. (2023), A Study on the Influence of Immigration Consultancy on the people of Ahmedabad moving to Canada. SANKALPA: Journal of Management & Research, 13(2), 55 - 62, ISSN 2231:1904
- Banerjee, R., and Desai, A. (2023). Indian Women Entrepreneurs in MSME: The Driving Force Behind Their Journey. International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management, 9(3), 98 - 103.
- Banerjee, R., and Desai, A. (2021), “A Study of Competencies and Challenges of Indian Women Entrepreneurs”, Economic Studies Journal, 30(4), 105-130, ISSN: 0205-3292
- Banerjee, R. and Dave, R. (2016), “An Analysis of trends and patterns of Bank financing in MSMEs and its impact on developing Indian Economy” published in the conference proceedings of International conference on Developing Indian Economy as an Engine for Job Creation, at CCFS 2016 – GTU, ISBN: 978-93-5267-367-4
- Banerjee, R. and Dave, R. (2015), “3 Fs of MSMEs: A Holistic Study of Foundation, Functions and Future of MSMEs of Gujarat-With special reference to various Government incentives and schemes” published in the conference proceedings of International conference on Ease of Doing Business: Contemporary Issues, Challenges and Future Scope, at CCFS 2015 – GTU, ISBN: 978-93-5254-009-9
- Attended Regional Meet of Institution’s Innovation Council, MoE’s Innovation Cell on December 27th, 2023, held at Gujarat University, Ahmedabad.
- Attended 3rd BSIM Conference at IIMA on 4th- 5th April 2023.
- Attended, participated and worked as a part of the organising committee of International Conference on “Being Covid Antifragile- The Sustainability and Growth Perspective” on February 11th – 12th 2021, organised by Som-Lalit Education and Research Foundation, Tolani Motwani Institute of Management Studies, Narmada College of Management Studies Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University and Universal Business School, Sydney, Australia
- 'Artificial Intelligence in Finance, present and future', University of Oxford and Said Business School, 10 June, 2020
- 'Future Start-up Opportunities for Indian Youth: Ways to Build Atmanirbhar Bharat', Modern Group of Institutes, 13 May, 2020
- Attended Work shop on Transfer Pricing and GST organized by KPMG & FICCI on 21st August, 2015
- Attended a Short-term course on "Research Methodology in Social Science" conducted by Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat from 1st to 7th December 2014
- Participated in Industry-Academia partnership organised by TCS BPS Gujarat in 2014
- Seminar on “Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme” organised by Gujarat Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Ahmedabad in July 2014