Raman Gujral
Professor & Director- Department of CSR Partnerships & Regional Director- Southern Regional Office

Ph.D. (Commerce)
Areas of Specialization
- Business Opportunity Identification and Guidance
Project Report Preparation - Marketing Research
Linking SHGs with micro enterprise activities - Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs
- Working Capital Management in Micro Enterprises
- CSR and Social entrepreneurship
Raman Gujral
Professor & Director- Department of CSR Partnerships & Regional Director- Southern Regional Office, Eastern Regional Office
Teaching/Training :
- Sustainable Livelihood and Micro Enterprise Development & Management
- Business Opportunity Identification and Guidance
- Business Plan Preparation
Projects :
- Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development (STED) Project (Department of science & technology-DST) GOI
- Micro Entrepreneurship Development Programme (SIDBI)
- Skill Development Training through Science & Technology (STST). (DST) GOI
- Science Tech Entrepreneur monthly e-zine (DST-GOI & FICCI)
- Micro Skill-Preneur Development Project (Skills to Succeed) Accenture India
- World on Wheels Project, Hewlet Packard (HP) India
- Project “Hand made in India” for handloom clusters in India supported by HSBC
- Project “Sattva“ to promote entrepreneurship among urban poor women, supported by HCL foundation
- Biography
- Conferences/ Seminars attended
Has around 32 years of experience in the field of Entrepreneurship Development with expertise in new enterprise creation and in extending support to existing entrepreneurs. He has developed curriculum, modules, and structures for various entrepreneurship development activities and for CSR activities of noted corporate. Specialises in the areas of business opportunity identification, Strategy, Inclusive Growth, Rural Development, Sustainable Development Goals, and Entrepreneurship Development. Widely travelled in India and worked on prestigious entrepreneurship-related assignments.
- Keynote Speaker to the International Conference on TVET Skills Development for Poverty Alleviation “Building Skills for Employabilty”, Manila, Philippines,2015
- Keynote Speaker to Indian Technology Congress ITC-2016 on Myths and Realities of Start-ups: Challenges Ahead, Bengaluru,2016
- Distinguished speaker at KSTA Regional Conference on “S&T Entrepreneurship Development: Opportunities and Challenges”
- Distinguished speaker at Indian Technology Congress, Bengaluru, 2019
- Keynote Speaker to 6th International Conference in Business Research, Chennai,2019