Bishnu Prasad Panda
Assistant Professor (Grade-II)

PhD (Pursuing)
MA (Economics)
MBA (Financial Management)
Areas of Specialization
- Cluster Development
- Financial Management of FFIs /MFIs
- Enterprise Promotion
Bishnu Prasad Panda
Assistant Professor (Grade-II)
Teaching/Training :
- Financial Management
- Enterprise Deavelopment
- Biography
- Research Publications
- Conferences/ Seminars attended
- Associations
He possesses over 35 years of experience in Micro-Finance, Micro-Enterprise Promotion, Livelihood and Cluster Development Programmes. Has worked extensively with national and international agencies like the Centre for Youth & Social Development (CYSD), Rashtriya Gramin Vikas Nidhi (RGVN), CARE and Access Development Services on enhancing the capacities of national-level NGOs, CBOs and BMOs. Also worked as a Consultant for a World Bank study on pani panchayat, SHG and PRI. His areas of specialisations are financial management, cluster development, livelihood promotion and enterprise promotion.
Presented a Paper on Child Budgeting at th 49th Meeitng of Odisha Economic Association on 12th February2017.
Atteneded Natioal Worksop on BDS and Cluster Development Orginsed by SIDBI and GIZ at New delhi in 2010. Participated in an exposure visit to Bangladesh for getting an understanding on their micro finance institituins like Grameen Bank, BRAC, Proshika , ASA organised by BIRD and CIRDAP.
Associated with Odisha Economic Association as Member