Anju Karna Pandey
Assistant Professor

- PhD (Advertising)
- MPhil (Management)
- BSc (Chemistry)
Areas of Specialization
- Marketing,
- Advertising,
- Consumer Behaviour,
- Product and Brand Management,
- Business Statistics,
- Research Methodology
Anju Karna Pandey
Assistant Professor
- Co-Project Director with ICSSR on a Project
- Biography
- Papers/Chapters
- Research Publications
- Conferences/ Seminars attended
Dr. Anju Pandey is an educator and researcher with over 8 years of experience in academia. Her key specialization areas are marketing, advertising, business statistics, and research methodology. She is making rich contributions to cutting-edge research in consumer behaviour and marketing effectiveness.While her research has been published in esteemed journals and presented at international conferences, she has also authored book chapters in valued publications.
- Authored the Chapter publication on, ‘A Familiar Foe.’ in Business and Management Cases based on Indian Ethos and Scriptures (ISBN: 978-93-94779-05-1) (2022)
- Authored the published research paper on, ‘Understanding Menstrual Waste Disposal Behaviour of Females using The Theory of Planned Behaviour” in The Sociological Spectrum (Scopus – Q2 Journal (2023))
- Authored the published research paper on, ‘Understanding Menstrual Waste Disposal Behaviour of Females using The Theory of Planned Behaviour” in The Sociological Spectrum (Seybold Report – Q3 Journal (2023)).
- Authored the published research paper on, ‘Sustainable Fashion: Swagger for Gen Z’ in The Empirical Economic Letters (ABDC-C Journal (2022)).
- Authored the published research paper on, ‘Exploring the Aspects of Behavioural Based Safety (BBS) Towards Occupational Safety Culture in PSU Organization of Ahmedabad’ in Wesleyan Journal of Research (UGC CARE Journal) Vol-14, No.32 (2021)
- Authored the published research paper on, ‘ESG: Paving way for Sustainability by Indian Start-ups.’ in KalaSarovar (UGC CARE Journal) Vol-24, No.5 (2021)
- Authored the published research paper on, ‘Subliminal Ads: Are these Ads even Ethical?.’ in Journal of Education: Ravindra Bharati University (UGC CARE Journal) (2021)
- Authored the published research paper on, ‘Are you aware of it? A Detailed Study on Subliminal Ads’ in Anvesak (UGC CARE Journal) (2021)
- Authored the published research paper on, ‘Alternative Accommodation: The Perspective of a Non-User’ in Wesleyan Journal of Research (UGC CARE Journal) Vol-14, No. 30 (2021)
- Authored the published research paper on, ‘Professional Quality of Life of Teachers in a Leading Private School in Ahmedabad.’ in Flusserstudies (UGC CARE Journal) Vol-30, Issue-1 (2021)
- Authored the published research paper on, ‘Menstrual Products: Sustainability and Futurity- ‘An Imperative Study On The Cognizance Towards Eco-Friendly Sanitary Products And Practices.’ in Shodh Sanchar Bulletin (UGC CARE Journal) Vol-10, Issue-40 (2020)
- Authored the published research paper on, ‘Neuromarketing: An Investigation of Conceptual Origin and Ethical Standpoint’ in Wesleyan Journal of Research (UGC CARE Journal) Vol-13, No-46 (2020)
- Authored & Presented the published research paper on ‘Food Delivery Apps: A Paradigm Shift in the Making (A Study Through Ethical Vantage Point)’ in Studies in Indian Place Names (UGC Care Journal) Vol-40, Special Issue-08 at National Level Conference on “Creativity and Sustainability” (2020)
- Authored & Presented the published research paper on ‘Analysing the Paralysis: Inquiry into the Paradox of Choices in Online Apparel Shopping’ in journal “Our Heritage – Volume. 68 No. 23 (2020)” at the Special Issue on “International Youth Symposium”
- Authored & Presented the published research paper on ‘The Ethical Face of Subliminal Advertising’ at 4th Management Doctoral Colloquium, MDC & VRS (2018), IIT Kharagpur
- Authored the published research paper on ‘An analysis of the Indian Education industry based on SERVQUAL Model’ in International Journal of Research in Management and Social science, (2018) Volume 4 Issue 1
- Authored and presented the research paper on, “Understanding Menstrual Waste Disposal Behaviour: A Smart PLS Analysis Applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour” in the Global South Academic Conclave, Wash and Climate Linkages in CEPT University.
- Authored and presented the research paper on, ‘Menstrual Waste Disposal Behaviour : A Empirical Study on School going girls using TPB Model ” in the 2nd Research Conference on BRICS 2023 on “Growth and Sustainability of Livelihood in the BRICS Countries: Knowledge Sharing in Social Justice, Governance and Multilateralism.
- Authored & Presented the research paper on ‘A Study on Subconscious Touchpoints in Advertising” in the conference themed “Online International Conference in Economics and Management Post Covid Impacts, Strategies and Policies” –(2021)
- Authored & Presented the research paper on ‘A Study on Subliminal Advertisements: What do we Know” in the conference themed “Changing Paradigms in Management: Global Conference on Sustainability and Innovative Management Practices in Uncertain Times” –(2021)
- Authored & Presented the published research paper on ‘Analysis of Indian Education Industry on Multi-attribute Model of Attitude’ at MICA Institute – International Communication Management Conference (2016) – Marketing Reborn: Traditions, Trends, and Techniques
- Authored & Presented the published research paper on ‘Evolution of Fanaticism: Apple Inc.’ in International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, (2016) Volume 4 Issue 1
- Authored & Presented published research paper on ‘Subliminal Advertising: The subconscious way through Consumer’s Mind’ at Gujarat Commerce College – UGC Sponsored National Conference on Emerging Issues in Commerce (2016)