Anjani K Singh

Ph.D. (Social Entrepreneurship)
Areas of Specialization
Entrepreneurship, New Venture Creation, Social Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Family Business Management
Anjani K Singh
Teaching/Training :
- Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation,
- Corporate Entrepreneurship,
- Small Business Management,
- Family Business Management,
- Ethics and Corporate Governance
- Biography
- Books
- Papers/Chapters
- Research Publications
- Conferences/ Seminars attended
- Associations
A noted academician, he has held positions at Indian Institute of Management Lucknow and Amity Business School, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, Noida. Dr. Singh has also led international assignments. He has published more than 30 research papers in reputable national and international journals. Dr. Singh has mentored more than 25 startups in NCR & Delhi. He has served as Guest Editor of the International Journal of Business and Globalization and has been Associate Editor of the Amity Journal of Entrepreneurship and Leadership. He has been a distinguished speaker and Chair at various conferences.
• Practices in Entrepreneurship and Finance, Manakin Press 2017, New Delhi
• Ek Janpad Ek Utpad, Project Report, Aargon Press,2021
- Singh Anjani K (2002), Development Paradigm Shift towards People Participation, in book, India’s Development Concerns, edited by S.N. Singh, S. Saran, New Royal Company, Luck now
- Singh Anjani K (2011), Lead like an entrepreneur: Keeping the Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive Within Corporation, book review in Amity Business Review, The Journal of Amity Business School, Vol.12, No.2, ISSN: 0972-2343
- Singh Anjani K (2012), Women Entrepreneur in India, in book, Women Entrepreneurship Development in India, edited by A. K. Singh, B. Shukla, R. V. M. Reddy, Serial Publication, New Delhi
- Singh Anjani K (2013), Managing New Ventures: Concept and Cases on Entrepreneurship, Book review in Amity Business Review, The Journal of Amity Business School, Vol., No.2, ISSN: 0972-2343
- Singh Anjani K (2014), HRM Practices in Women Lead Business, Conference Proceedings in International Management Research Conference on Culture, Values, Mindset , Gender and Strategy: A need for Re-positioning SHRM, held at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Page No.48, ISBN: 978-93-83241-64-4
- Singh Anjani K (2011), Lead like an entrepreneur: Keeping the Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive Within Corporation, book review in Amity Business Review, The Journal of Amity Business School, Vol.12, No.2, ISSN: 0972-2343
- Singh Anjani K (2013), Managing New Ventures: Concept and Cases on Entrepreneurship, Book review in Amity Business Review, The Journal of Amity Business School, Vol., No.2, ISSN: 0972-2343
- Singh Anjani K (2015), Rajan Overseas Inc.: The Challenges of change in working scenario, Management in India: Practice and Perspective, Edition2015, ABS BOOKS ISBN-978-93-82110-62-0, Page No.156
- Singh Anjani K (2016), Revisit the Business Model: A New Construct for Indian Small Business, Technology, Innovation, Management and Entrepreneurship Development, Radha Publication New Delhi.ISBN:9788174877932
- Kapur Inakshi, Singh Anjani K (2022), Resilience as a Dimension of Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation, Constructive Discontent in Execution: Creative Approaches to Technology and Management, Apple Academic Press, Taylor &Francis, ISBN hard: 978-1-77491-175-4.
- Singh Anjani K (2007), Micro Finance and Micro Small Enterprise: Indian Context, Conference proceedings in National Seminar on Micro Solution for Micro Issues: Role of Microfinance and Small-Scale Enterprise in the Indian Economy, at ITS College Ghaziabad,
- Singh Anjani K (2008), Cracks in Family, A case presented in 4th Renvoi Case Study Competition in Management held at Amity Business School, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh
- Singh Anjani K (2008), Indian Dairy Industry: Exploring the Entrepreneurial Opportunities, presented in a National Seminar on Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Agri Business-challenges and prospects at FMS, BHU, Varanasi, Nov.22-23,
- Singh Anjani K (2008), Knowledge Management in Corporate Planning Department of NTPC, Conference Proceedings in a National Seminar on Management of Innovation and Technology at Galgotia Business School, Noida
- Singh Anjani K (2012), Emerging Technology in Food Processing Sector in India, Conference Proceedings in a National Seminar, Emerging Trends &Technologies in Food Processing Sector at Institute of Entrepreneurship Development U.P. Lucknow
- Singh Anjani K, Finance a number game: A case of Tricon Agro Pvt Ltd., Conference Proceedings in National Seminar on Accountancy at MLSU Udaipur
- Singh Anjani K (2014), HRM Practices in Women Lead Business, Conference Proceedings in International Management Research Conference on Culture, Values, Mind-set, Gender, and Strategy: A need for Re-positioning SHRM, held at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Page No.48, ISBN: 978-93-83241-64-4
- Singh Anjani K (2015), Internationalization of SMEs in Aligarh, Conference Proceeding in International Conference on Make in India: For Accelerating MSME Growth and Innovation, held at NISBUD Noida, ISBN:978-93-80082-84-4
- Chauhan H., Singh Anjani K (2015), Entrepreneurial Orientation in SMEs of National Capital Region of India, Eleventh Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship held at Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Bookwell, ISBN:978-93-80574-77-6, P.No.294
- Chauhan H., Singh Anjani K (2018), Study of Completive Advantage on Performance of SMEs: An Entrepreneurial Perspective, Published Abstract proceeding in International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Leadership, 14-16 February 2018, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida ISBN:978-93-86330-25-
- Chauhan, H., Singh Anjani K (2018), Impact of strategy management on sustainable competitive advantage in Food SMEs-Entrepreneurial Perspective, National Conference on Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship (NCIPE-2018) IIT Roorkee, 19th March2018, ISBN:978-93-5300-6254
- Singh Anjani K (2018), Transformation through Innovation: A case Study on Shri Lakshmipati Control Cable Pvt Ltd, Recent Business practices in Emerging Markets Business Management Cases, ISBN: 978-81-939518-5-8
- Singh Anjani K (2018), Transforming the bottom of pyramid: A case of SMV Wheels Pvt Ltd, Presented at International Conference on Planning for Industrialization in 21st Century at Punjabi University Patiala, 15-16 Nov.2018
- Bansal, S., Singh Anjani K (2020), Determinants of level of informality of Informal Enterprise: Evidence from the city of Noida, Uttar Pradesh, Presented at South Asia Conference on Social Enterprise Values and Processes held from 8th -10th Jan.2020 at Tata Institute of Social Science, Mumbai
- Ahmed, N., Singh Anjani K (2020), Fossil Fuel to Clean Fuel: A change and its impact on unserved society,5 th Global Leadership Research Conference 2020 on the theme “Digital Transformation and Disruptive Innovation: Drivers for Future Growth, Amity Business School, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, 25-27 February 2020
- Hasan, N., Singh Anjani K (2021), Impact of Microfinance and Microinsurance services on living standard of poor borrowers,6th Global Leadership Research Conference held at Amity Business School Amity University Uttar Pradesh, 25th -26th Feb.2021
- Kapur I., Singh Anjani K (2021), Entrepreneurial Attitude and Perceptions as Antecedents of Intention: A Topsis Analysis of GEM Asia Pacific Countries, Fourteenth Biennial, Conference on Entrepreneurship at Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India Ahmedabad, February 25-27,2021
- Kapur I. Singh Anjani K (2021), Examining Resilience as a dimension of Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation,6th Global Leadership Research Conference held at Amity Business School Amity University Uttar Pradesh, 25th -26th Feb.2021
- Tikku S., Singh Anjani K (2022), Adoption of wallet among micro entrepreneur in NCR of India,7thGlobal Leadership Research Conference held at Amity Business School Amity University Uttar Pradesh, 16th -18th Feb.2022
- Singh A.K. (2016), Travails of second-generation young entrepreneur (Case) with reference 816-0114-1, registered at The Case Centre Cranfield University, Wharley End UK
- Sharma, S., Singh A. K (2017), Wave of crowd funding in social business in USA &UK and its implication in India, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, Vol.15. No .4, 2017(Scopus Indexed)
- Sharma, S., Singh A.K. (2018), Quandary of a Social Entrepreneur, a case study published in Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol.8, No.1, (Scopus Indexed)
- Sharma, S., Singh Anjani K (2019), Sink or Swim-The Fate of Retail Family Business, a case study published in Asian Case Research Journal (ACRJ), Vol.23, Issue2,1930202, World Scientific Publishing Co. (Scopus Indexed and HBR)
- Bansal, S., Singh Anjani K (2020), Examining the social and entrepreneurial development of women through microfinance in Indian context, accepted for publication Journal of Management Development, Emerald Group of Publishing.Vol.39, Issue 4, pp.407-421 DOI: 10.1108/JMD-05-2019-0146, (Scopus Indexed)
- Sharma S., Singh A. K., Singh A.P. (2020), Innovation at the bottom of the Pyramid Empowering Rickshaw Pullers, South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, Volume 9, Issue 2 of August 2020. (Scopus Indexed)
- Chauhan, H., Singh, A.K., Sachdeva, S. (2021)), Business Model and Financial Performance of Food SMEs: Mediation by Competitive Advantage, International Journal of Business and Globalization (IJBG), Vol.27, No.1, 2021, pp113-131 , (Scopus Indexed) DOI : 10.1504/IJBG.2018. 10016954
- Chauhan, H., Singh, A.K. (2021), Canvassing Competitive Advantage through Key dimensions of Business Model, International Journal of Business and Globalization, Inderscience, Vol.29, No.2,2021,pp.149-162,Published on line:Oct.12,2021 Inderscience (Scopus Indexed), DOI:10.1504/IJBG.2020.10021622
- Nayak, S., Dwivedi, R., Singh, A.K.(2021), Digital innovation for strengthening seed market and augmenting targeted business in agriculture, International Journal of Electronic Business,Inderscience,Vol.16,Issue3,July 12,2021, 16(3), pp. 279–295(Scopus Indexed)
- Bansal, S., Kapur, I., Singh, A.K., Verma, P.(2021), Bookmysurprise: Navigating through predicament of a start-up, Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies,Vol.11No.2,16 August2021,pp 1-10, (Scopus Indexed)
- Bansal, S., Singh Anjani K (2022), An Empirical Assessment of drivers of the informal micro and small enterprises: Evidence from the city of Noida, India, International Journal of Economics and Business Research, Inderscience, Vol.23, No.2 (Scopus Indexed), DOI: 10.1504/IJEBR.2021.10035258
- Hassan N., Singh A.K., Dwivedi, (2022), Determinants of FinTech Adoption by Microfinance Institutions in India to Increase Efficiency and Productivity, accepted for publication, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (Scopus Indexed), Inderscience. DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2021.10044269
- Hasan Nazia, Singh A.K, Agarwal M. K., Kushwaha B., Evaluating the Role of Microfinance Institutions in Enhancing the Livelihood of Urban Poor, Accepted for publication in Journal of Economic and Administrative Science(Web Of Science),Emerald Publishing Limited,
- Tikku Raina, Sonal, Singh A.K.,(2023) Role of Mobile Banking in Financial Inclusion: Evidence from Agri traders of India, accepted for publication in Int. J. of Electronic Finance, Inderscience (Scopus Indexed), DOI: 10.1504/IJEF.2023.10049280
- Kapur Inakshi, Singh A.K.,Bhawrdaj G.N.,(2023),Fostering Corporate Entrepreneurship in SMEs: Evidence from India, Journal of Enterprising Culture,DOI:1142/S0218495823500012
- Singh Anjani K (2001), WSHG: A Saviour of Rural Poor Women, Journal of Banking & Finance, ISSN0378-4266
- Singh Anjani K (2004), Garabi Unmulan Ka Pryas : Self Help Group, Vikas Paricharha, No-23, ISSN-0971-4650
- Singh Anjani K (2011), Demand and Supply of Natural Gas in India, Journal of Asian Business Management, Volume 3, Number2, ISSN: 0974-8636
- Singh Anjani K (2011), Indian Print Media Scenario: A Study of Jammu, Praghya Journal of Management, Vol-2
- Singh Anjani K (2013), Exploring the business model for microfinance with specific reference to Urban India, Journal of Urban Panorama, Vol.12, No.1 ISSN.097558534 pp.83-88
- Singh Anjani K (2013), Social Entrepreneurship in India: A case of Miracle Courier, eVani: International Journal Research in Management &IT, Vol.1 Issue.1 Dec.2013, ISSN No.2348 1536 , pp.185-187.
- Singh Anjani K (2013), Exemplary Role of ICDS in Andhra Pradesh: A Case of Aganwadi Centre (AWC) Karimnagar, Journal of Urban Governance Management, Vol.12, July-Dec2013, No.2 ISSN No 09755-8534 pp.21-28
- Singh Anjani K (2015), Small Scale Industry Development: A Study of factor responsible for failure in Noida Uttar Pradesh, International Journal of Management Research and Technology, Vol.9, No.1, ISSN No 0974-3502 Jan-June-2015, pp.89-94
- Singh Anjani K (2016), Entrepreneurship and Gender Discrimination, Amity Business Review, the Journal of Amity Business School, Vol.No.17, No.2 (Special) JulyDec.2016.ISSN No 0972-2343
- Singh Anjani K (2017), Goods and Service Tax (GST): A tax reform encouraging entrepreneurship in India, Published in Scopus listed Journal International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, Vol.15.No.17, 2017,
- Singh Anjani K (2017), Business Model of social solar enterprise: An Approach to Socio Economic Solution, Journal of Asian Business Management, Vol. 9, No. 2, JulyDecember 2017: pp.179-194,
- Singh Anjani K (2018), Causal relationship between crude oil prices and NIFTY: An Empirical Analysis, Indian Journal of Economics & Business - ABDC listed, Serial Publications, 15th Nov. 2018, Vol.17, No. 3 (2018), pp. 477-482, ISSN-0972-5784
- Singh Anjani K (2018), Empirical study on Strategy Management and Financial Performance: Indian Food SMEs, Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, Publishing India, 1st February 2019, Vol 8, No. 1 (2019), pp.18-25, ISSN No. (UGC Listed)
- Singh Anjani K (2019), Social entrepreneurial success in resource constrained ecosystem, Comprehensive Advanced Specific Summarised Studies, April 2019, Vol.3, Issue-1,pp.183-194 (UGC Listed No.40934) ISSN No.2581-6403
- Hassan Nazia, Singh, A.K. Tariq Hareem (2020), Sustainability and Outreach of Microfinance Institutions in India, Mukt Shabd Journal, ISSN No: 2347-3150, Volume IX, Issue VII, July/2020 ISSN No: 2347-3150, July2020, pp. 855-866(UGC Listed)
- Ahmad, N. Singh A.K. Sinha Sanjeev K, (2020), Fossil Fuel to Clean Fuel: A Change and its Impact on un-served Society, Mukt Shabd Journal Volume IX, Issue X, Volume IX, Issue X, October/2020 ISSN No : 2347-3150 pp. 219-232 (UGC Listed)
- Lakshya: Business Plan Competition 2007,2008,2009
- Entrepreneurship Summit at Amity Business School Amity University Uttar Pradesh,2013
- Start-up &Stand-up India Expo,2016 at Amity University Uttar Pradesh on 18-19th Feb.2016. (27 Start-ups)
- Global Leadership Research Conference (GLRC-2016) at Amity Business School Amity University Uttar Pradesh, 21-22Jan.2016
- Global Leadership Research Conference (GLRC-2017) at Amity Business School Amity University Uttar Pradesh,23-24 Feb.2017
- International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Leadership (ICEL2018): Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Value Creation,14-17 February 2018 Amity University Campus Sector-125 Noida
- Coordinator, Online Amity Alumni Entrepreneur forum on "Entrepreneurial Click: Journey as an Entrepreneur” on Saturday, 01st August 2020
- Coordinator, Online Amity Family Business Leadership Forum on ‘Family Business: The Transition Challenge’ on Saturday, 22nd August 2020
- Jury Online Inno-Bizz: An Intra-Institute Level Business Plan Competition" on Saturday, 31st October 2020
- Jury online Lakshya2020 -A national level Business Plan Competition, 17th – 19th December 2020 during 3rd International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership (ICEIL’20) on the theme – ‘Harnessing Innovation, Technology, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability’ at Amity University Uttar Pradesh
- Moderator online Session Title: Tips on how to build and leverage network to access resources on and off campus to grow your venture, 1st International Conference on Students' Progression (ICSP'21) On “Re-engineering Higher Education for Students ‘Progression : Skillsets that will Dominate in the Knowledge & Digital Economy”24-26 June 2021
- Moderator webinar title “Using Creativity and Innovation for Entrepreneurship” on five days workshop Building Digitally competent professional with Futuristic Orientation,17 June 2021
- Moderator webinar title “Tips on how to build and leverage network to access resources” 26 June 2021
- Chair webinar title “Embracing change and Transformation-Break through Innovation” 26 June 2021, Amity Univ. Uttar Pradesh
- Chair the session on International Conference in Humanities, Social sciences, Management and Educational Technology at NIIT University Neemrana,28-30 October2021
- Guest speaker at National Webinar on Unequal Pay: Gender Discrimination at workplace organised by RCUES Lucknow University on Dec.30,2021
- Coordinator Pre-workshop “Creating Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for Promoting Innovation among students in Higher Education”19 Jan.2022 under ICEIL’2022 at Amity University Uttar Pradesh
- Coordinator Track, “Creating New Generation Customer Experiences: Exploring Innovative Business Models, Digital Disruptions and Entrepreneurial Opportunities”20Jan.2022 under ICEIL’2022 at Amity University Uttar Pradesh
- Two months, under the guidance of Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD) Lucknow. Title “Contribution of NABARD in U.P.”
- Ten-day training programme on Methodology & Project Formulation, sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi, at Lucknow University, Lucknow
- Six days Management Development Programme on Project Management at Institute of Rural Management, Anand (IRMA) Gujrat
- TiE Summit, Since 2008 to 2015 at New Delhi
- One day workshop on Tata-NEN Hottest start-up at IIT, Delhi
- Six days Faculty Development Programme at IMI, New Delhi, sponsored by National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN), Wadhwani Foundation, IIT Mumbai
- India-Japan Collaborative Seminar,31st October,2009 at DMS, IIT, Delhi
- India symposium: Connecting investors to opportunities organized by Amity Innovation Incubator and TiE Delhi , May 15,2013
- Global University-Industry Congress2013 organised by CII &AICTE, New Delhi Nov.7- 8,2013
- National seminar on Social Entrepreneurship “A tool for CSR implementation” organised by CII &Jubilant Bhartia Foundation, Dec.12,2013
- Annual conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation organized by Amity Innovation Incubator and TiE Delhi, May 9,2014
- Family Business Summit held onAugust01,2015 at India International Centre, New Delhi
- Faculty Development Programme on “Research Optimization”, May 25-29,2015 at Amity University, Uttar Pradesh
- Launch of “Start-up India” by Prime Minister of India on 5th April 2016 at Sect-62 Noida
- 2ndBankers-Borrowers-Business Meet: Empowering MSME on 6th April 2016 at Hotel Le Meridian, New Delhi
- Facilitation workshop DST-NIMAT Project on 16 November2016 at Technology Business Incubator KIET Ghaziabad.
- The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE)Global Summit held at Hotel Taj New Delhi on Dec.12,13,2016
- Faculty Educator Programme on Skill Development and Entrepreneurship under Padhan Mantri Yuva Yojana, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship at Noida, 10th -15th August, 2017
- Faculty Development Programme on Waste Management under Ministry of Human Resource Development Govt. of India, Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education Hyderabad,22nd -23rd March 2019
- Virtual workshop for collating Management resource for teachers in Higher Education on 20-21st August2020 organised by National Institute of Education Planning and Administration, New Delhi
- India CII Global Start-up Summit-Enabling Robust Entrepreneurial and Innovation Ecosystem,15-17 March 2021
- Six days Faculty Development Programme on “Curriculum Design, Outcome Based Learning Effective Assessment and Life Skill for Holistic &Multidisciplinary Education” from 15-20 March 2021 organised by Academic Staff College Amity University Uttar Pradesh
- Three days workshop, “How to start a business” CII-Amity Business School Amity University Uttar Pradesh,15-17 April2021
- Two days webinar on Envisioning MSME growth through e-commerce, CII 27&28 June2021
- Webinar on Transforming India Through Entrepreneurship and Innovation organised by FICCI, 2July2021
- Workshop on Effective functioning of IQAC by Amity University Uttar Pradesh 15 July2021
- Workshop on Case study development, Entrepreneurship development Institute of India Ahmedabad,26 July2021