Abul Kalam Azad
Assistant Professor

B.Sc (Agriculture)
M. Sc. (Agricultural Extension)
PhD (Agricultural Extension Education)
Areas of Specialization
- Promotion of Agribusiness, Start-ups and Farmer Producer Companies
- Promotion of Organic and Natural Farming in the NER
- Climate Resilient Community based Farming
- Licensing, Marketing and Networking
- Monitoring and Evaluation of Agriculture and Allied sector Projects
- Training & capacity building
Abul Kalam Azad
Assistant Professor
Teaching/Training :
- Handled 16 Tribal Development NABARD Sponsored Projects
- Promoted Millets in the state of Meghalaya
- Value Chain development of One District One Products (ODOP) in North Eastern States
- Taught Agricultural Extension and Agri-Informatics courses
- Biography
- Books
- Papers/Chapters
- Research Publications
- Conferences/ Seminars attended
- Associations
Dr. Azad has more than 5 years of experience in agriculture and allied sector research, teaching and extension. He has handled 16 Tribal Development Projects of NABARD, Meghalaya, besides a flagship project on 'Promotion of Millets in Meghalaya', hosted by ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad. In addition, Dr. Azad has held important positions of Research Advisor-NEH for Value Chain Development of Lakadong Turmeric of Meghalaya and Team Leader for Third Party Evaluation of PM- Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, sponsored by Dept. of Agriculture, Government of Meghalaya. He has experience of conducting multiple projects and programmes on Climate Change and Agri Startups. His efforts have led to promotion of 75 agri-startups and several Farmer Producer Companies & Community-based Organizations in the North Eastern States. Dr. Azad has 7 research papers in international journals, two edited books, 3 book chapters and more than 10 articles to his credit. He is the recipient of ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute - Karnal merit fellowship and Young Professional Award.
- Abul K Azad and Khajan Singh. A Basic Book on Fundamental of Agriculture Extension. ISBN ISBN: 978-93-272-7064-8. Kalyani Publisher.
- Abul K Azad, L. Raja, Sanjeev Kumar and Chandan Kumar Rai; Human Resource Management Entrepreneurship Training & Development. ISBN ISBN:978-93-86453 19-8, New Delhi Publisher.
- Priyajoy Kar, Neela Madhav Patnaik, Abul K. Azad and Saikat Maji . Scenario of Agricultural Extension in India: An Inclusive Perspective. Paperback ISBN: 978-93-5335-207-3 and e-Book ISBN: 978-93-5335-208-0. AkiNik Publications New Delhi.
- Kalyan Mandi, Abul K Azad, Deepak Chand Meena and Devanyan Chatterjee; Global Concepts of Extension as applied to the Indian Context. Paperback ISBN: 978-93-89680-97-3 and e-Book ISBN:978-93-89680-98-0.
- Abul K Azad, Kalyan Mandi and Sahadeva Singh; Farming revolution through e-evolution. ISSN 2320-530x, Vol 7, Issue 2 Second Quarterly Issue, April-June 2020, pp-53-57. Informatics Studies.
- Abul K Azad, Sujeet K. Jha, Sanjit Maiti and K.S. Kadian; Brokpa’s Organic Yak farming in Arunachal Pradesh: An Ethnographic Study. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences (2023)12(4):230-234, NAAS Rating–5.38.
- Abul K Azad, Kalyan Mandi. Challenges of dairy farming in Manipur: A situational Analysis on feeding of animals. International Journal of farm Sciences: (10(1):1-4, 2020.
- Abul K. Azad, Sanjeev Kumar and Chandan K.Rai. Gender Disaggregated Roles for Feeding of Dairy Animals in Manipur, India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences (2017) 6(6):1260-1263. NAAS Rating–5.38.
- Abul K Azad Priojoy Kar, Sanjeev Kumar; Decision Making Pattern on Existing Feeding Practices among the Dairy Farmers of Manipur. International Journal of Livestock Research, NAASRating-5.36.
- A.K. Azad, L. Raja, Chandan K. Rai and Sanjeev Kumar; Fodder availability and accessibility of dairy farmers in Manipur. Progressive Research –An International Journal, NAAS Rating 3.84.
- Chandan Kumar Rai,Arti, Sanjeev Kumar, Abul K. Azad and Mukesh Kumar; Public Private Partnership in Agriculture :A Stern Review. I.J.C.Microbiology and Applied Sciences (2017) 6(9):3510-3517, NAAS Rating–5.38.
- Sanjeev Kumar,Vinita Kanwal,ChandanKumar Rai and Abul K. Azad; Role of Value-addition in Agrarian Farming System in Enhancing the Farmer's Income. Indian Journal of Ecology (2017)44, NAAS Rating: 4.96.
- AGRIPACTS National Seminar held at Sikkim 26-27 May, 2022. Organized by ABI, ICAR RC for NEH, Umiam, Meghalaya.
- 26th National Conference on Natural Resource Management for Climate Smart Sustainable Agriculture to be held at CPGS, Barapani Shillong during 11-13 September 2017.
- Alternate Farming System To Enhance Farmer Income National Conference, Solan HP held on Sept,19-21, 2017.
- National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, Guwahati, March 26-27, 2019.
- Refresher Training for Veterinary Officers of Khammm District of Telangana State on Recent Advances in Animal Husbandry and Dairying. Organized by ICAR-NDRI, Karnal, Haryana.
- Lifetime member of Indian Society of Extension Education, New Delhi.
- Lifetime Member of Society for Advancement for Human and Nature, Himachal Pradesh.
- Member of Scientific Advisory Board, International Journal of Livestock Research