EDII Newsletter 117
January – March 2022

From the Director General’s Desk
EDII has been working in the area of MSME growth and competitiveness for almost 40 years now. The issue of sustainability and growth have always been the pain points for MSMEs. MSMEs are often hard pressed for resources and hence reel away, several times, in the absence of protectionism, thus unable to survive competition.

EDII’s President visits the Institute
SITE LAST UPDATED May 4, 2022 EDII’s President visits the Institute…

Congratulations !!!
Former EDII Governing Board Member & Former Secretary, Ministry of MSME, GoI, Shri A. K. Sharma assumes charge as Cabinet Minister for Urban Development & Energy, UP. EDII’s President, Shri Rakesh Sharma, the Governing Board & EDII family heartily congratulates Shri A. K. Sharma & wishes him the best for an illustrious political career.

Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General-EDII briefing Shri Jagdish Panchal, Hon’ble Minister of State for Industries, Gujarat, on how EDII is playing a role in perking the Industrial scenario in the State and the Country.

Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General-EDII briefing Shri Jagdish Panchal, Hon’ble Minister of State for Industries, Gujarat, on how EDII is playing a role in perking the Industrial scenario in the State and the Country.

Towards Strengthening the Growth Accelerators Called MSMEs
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) and EDII organised a two-day summit (29th & 30th March) witnessing brainstorming sessions and panel discussions on the enhancements, challenges and growth opportunities in the MSME sector. Speakers and experts from India, Singapore, Peru, Lao PDR, Rwanda, Myanmar, Russia, Uzbekistan, Spain and Iran, shared their experiences at the summit.

EDII to Strengthen Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Bihar
On 17th Feb, 2022, EDII signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Bihar Government’s Department of Industries to promote entrepreneurship in the state.
Towards Intensifying the Entrepreneurial Climate of Tamil Nadu
In order to explore the possibility of strengthening entrepreneurship in Tamil Nadu, Dr. Sunil Shukla, DG – EDII visited the state, and had a series of significant meetings and brainstorming discussions with senior officials of the Govt. of Tamil Nadu including; Shri Anandrao Vishnu Patil, IAS, Principal Secretary to Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu; Shri S. Krishnan, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary – Industries Department; Dr. Neeraj Mittal, IAS, Principal Secretary – Information Technology Department; Shri V. Arun Roy, IAS, Secretary – MSME Department; Shri C. Samayamoorthy, IAS, Agricultural Production Commissioner & Secretary, Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare Department; Shri R. Kirlosh Kumar, IAS, Secretary-Labour and Employment Department and Shri Prashant M. Wadnere, IAS, Additional Secretary – Finance Department. Dr. Shukla was accompanied by Dr. Satya Ranjan Acharya, Professor & Director, Dept. of Entrepreneurship Education – EDII.

The Academia Affirms the Scope of Entrepreneurship as a Career
At a time when the academic fraternity is endorsing entrepreneurship as a potent career option, EDII, in association with several prominent universities is actively promoting innovations and connecting students with entrepreneurship. On this line, a 5-day training programme was organized by EDII for 24 professors of five universities from Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh.
EDII and Anna University enter into an MoA
EDII and Anna University (AU), Chennai have entered into an MoA to strengthen entrepreneurship through collaborative initiatives, programmes, research and policy advocacy. The collaboration shall focus on Capacity Building Programmes in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Startups; Sector Specific Diploma Programmes in Entrepreneurship; Programmes on Entrepreneurship Awareness, Ideation and Innovation in addition to joint initiatives in Entrepreneurship research.
EDII and CSJMU, Kanpur jointly conducted a 5-day FDP
EDII and Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University (CSJMU), Kanpur jointly conducted a 5-day Faculty Development Programme on ‘Entrepreneurship Course Curriculum Design, Development & Teaching’, virtually during 21 – 22 & 24 – 26, March 2022. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General- EDII and Prof. Vinay Kumar Pathak, Vice-Chancellor, CSJMU. In all, 45 academicians from CSJMU participated in the programme.

Developing Industrial and Social Infrastructure for the Growth of MSMEs
Sustainability and growth of MSMEs can well be ascertained by addressing them in clusters on issues concerning technology, skills, market linkages, networking, access to capital, etc. One of the favourable ways to impart scalability to enterprises in a cluster is to ensure developed industrial and social infrastructure.

More Power to Women… EDII and Bayer Foundation raise the baton
Slow pace of development in rural India has been a matter of concern for years now. The reasons for the abysmal conditions of agricultural wage earners, small farmers and non-agricultural laborers are many; primary ones being their small land holdings, poor education, almost negligible access to resources, lack of awareness, less achievement motivation among several more.
Ensuring a Higher Incidence of Micro Enterprises
EDII Gorakhpur team conducted a Micro Entrepreneurship Development programme on Terrocotta for 30 participants from 06 SHGs of Hafiznagar village of Bhatahat Block of Gorakhpur district. The programme organized during 11 – 23 February 2022 was sponsored by NABARD under Micro Enterprise Development Program (MEDP) scheme. The objective of the training program was to ensure livelihood and income generation opportunities for the trainees (mostly SHG members) by way of placement or by helping them set up their own units.

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs from the Grassroots to Global
Empowering Women Entrepreneurs from the Grassroots to Global. At a time when women entrepreneurs are proving their mettle as entrepreneurs. International Conference on ‘Empowering Women Entrepreneurs from the Grassroots to Global was just apt to impart all the necessary push to their entrepreneurial spirit.
Entrepreneur Trainer-Motivators and Educators Play a Pivotal Role
Entrepreneurial performance can be enhanced through proper training and mentoring. Hence the importance of trainers in the discipline of ‘entrepreneurship’ holds immense significance. EDII, having evolved the module to create entrepreneurs, brainstormed on making the process sustainable, and thus developed the Trainers’ Training programmes to institute a cadre of trainers who could subsequently create entrepreneurs.
Project Parisar
17. The NABARD Karnataka regional office conducted an annual marketing event, ‘Grameena Habba,’ which provides rural artisans a platform to sell agricultural, handicraft, and handloom products in Bengaluru. The artisans under EDII and NABARD’s Parisar project set up their stall on environmental friendly straw

Enhancing Skills for Better Lives…Accenture Project
Revitalizing and rehabilitating economies through entrepreneurship development has proved to be a tactical development strategy. Micro Entrepreneurship and Skill Development programmes have brought about pervasive changes on the landscape of rural India. EDII has been contributing significantly to enhancing the entrepreneurial and skill levels of rural populace.

Green, Clean and Empowered Societies …HCL SATTVA Project
HCL Uday is HCL Technologies’ community development programme that aims at creating ‘green, clean and empowered societies.’ EDII and HCL Uday have joined hands to float the project HCL SATTVA with the aim of providing employment and livelihood opportunities to women,
EDII & Rajasthan Patrika collaborate to promote inclusive growth
EDII and Rajasthan Patrika have entered into a collaboration to jointly organize Entrepreneurship Development Programmes for emerging women entrepreneurs. Against the backdrop that entrepreneurship is the need-of-the-hour, especially among the women community, the two organizations have joined hands to institute meaningful, outcome-based programmes and bring the results and interventions before the society at large to earn a winning response for the development tool of entrepreneurship.

Bolstering Development… Giving a facelift to Cottage and Rural Industries of Gujarat
Cottage and rural enterprises are important for economic growth. The sector is significant in terms of the employment it creates, the use of natural resources it facilitates, and the non-farm activities it generates.

Celebrating the Skills and Artistry of India’s Artisans …..Project Handmade in India
The Indian handloom industry is one of the finest identities of the country, representing the country’s rich culture and heritage to the world. With its wide presence in the formal and the informal sectors, millions of people depend on it for a living.

Access Connect Transform …..Project WeAct
Women Entrepreneurs- Access Connect Transform (WeAct) is a one-stop platform for rural women entrepreneurs that provides them with handholding assistance to render their business competitive and sustainable.

Strengthening Village Entrepreneurship …Startup Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP)
Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP), the sub-scheme under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY NRLM) is being implemented with the objective of helping members of Self Help Groups (SHGs) to setup small enterprises in rural area under non-farm sector.
Entrepreneurship Takes a Front Seat for Nation Across the World
Nations, across the world are investing in their human resource and equipping them with the right set of tools so that they can succeed in global business markets and generate meaningful opportunities for their country.

As India Amps up its Start up Scenario,EDII’s TBI Shines Too… Centre for Advancing & Launching Enterprises
India is at a highly advantageous position today with an increasing number of startups, year after year. Accent on innovation has increased and hearteningly, most entrepreneurs are embracing this change.

Entrepreneurship and the Craft of Teaching
The Journal of Entrepreneurship (https://journals.sagepub.com/home/joe) is a tri-annual publication published with Sage Publications (ISSN: 0971 3557). Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), (www.ediindia.org) Bhat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, reserves all copyrights.

PG Corner :EDII Takes Pride in the Achievements of its Students…
EDII Takes Pride in the Achievements of its Students…
PG Corner : PG students visit enterprises of PG Alumni as a part of industry visit
PG Corner : PG students visit enterprises of PG Alumni as a part of industry visit