Economy Engagement / Initiatives
Entrepreneurship Education

Entrepreneurship can get a boost only when people at large start thinking, innovating, harnessing resources and thus get involved in the process of ‘creation’. Such a mind-set needs to be cultivated, and towards accomplishing this, education is the most potent medium to float an upbeat culture amongst the populace of a country. EDII took measures to widespread entrepreneurship among youths who are the flag bearers of future.
- Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) for Malaysian entrepreneurs at Cranefield School of Management, U.K. to create a positive impact on the attitude, skills and extension orientation.
- AMT for new and existing entrepreneurs at MARA Institute of Technology, Malaysia to strengthen the trainer’s capabilities in conducting AMTs. The focus was on conceptual and theoretical aspects of development of entrepreneurial identity through AMT.
- Sponsored by Entrepreneurial Extension Centre, College of Arts, Science & Technology (CAST), Kingston, developed faculty members, as Resource Persons, of the academic institutions in Jamaica and other Caribbean Island countries to orientation on entrepreneurship.
- Faculty Exchange between EDII and Industrial Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IEDC), Nepal sponsored by ILO to create awareness about the need and process of developing entrepreneurship took place at Nepal followed by a 5-day programme for bankers to develop their skills in assessing entrepreneurial potential among SSI loan applicants. Also, to develop the manpower of IEDC, an 8-day training programme on growth counselling was completed to facilitate better performance of local enterprises.
- South Asia Professional Exchange and Training Programme (SAPETP) sponsored by U.S. Dept. of State Educational & Cultural Affairs Bureau was conducted at the Beyster Institute of Rady School of Management, University of California, San Diego, to create entrepreneurial growth companies by enhancing the ability of faculty members from leading business schools.
- Capacity building of the Instructors Training Centre of The Vocational Training Organization (TVTO), Tehran, Iran sponsored by Govt. of Iran to spread entrepreneurship development in various provinces of Iran.
- Participated in the 2nd International Seminar on ‘Vocational Skills Training’ sponsored by TVTO, Tehran in Iran to conduct a training programme on ‘Corporate Entrepreneurship’ for faculty members and trainers of TVTO.
- Professional Fellows Program (PFP) in collaboration with University of Oklahoma and sponsored by US Department of State for young professionals to receive technical and management sessions at the University of Oklahoma and gain first-hand experience in their respective sectors and participation in Professional Fellows Congress in Washington DC.
- Organized a training programme for existing entrepreneurs on ‘Family Business Management’ sponsored by Govt. of India to equip the wards of family businesses with entrepreneurial and managerial skills at Lao PDR.
- Organized Youth & Children Summer Camps at Iran which was sponsored by TVTO, Tehran to inculcate the spirit of entrepreneurship amongst them.
- Organized Faculty Development Programme (FDP) in Royal University of Bhutan. The FDP equipped 23 teachers from various academic institutions of Bhutan to effectively initiate entrepreneurship related activities and motivate students to adopt entrepreneurship as a career.
- Act as a resource person in the Sub-Regional Workshop on “ED for Technical & Vocational Education Teachers” organized by Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) in Kuala Lumpur & Kathmandu financed by Commonwealth Secretariat, London to impart entrepreneurship inputs in the educational institutions.
Core Activities

Women Entrepreneurship
Women entrepreneurship is one of the core areas where EDII has intervened successfully to bring women to the forefront of the economic world.

Support System Sensitization
The Support System in every country comprises several layers, and one dysfunctional tier could leave a damaging impact on the results.

Programmes for Existing Entrepreneurs
The vision for economic development for many countries is ensconced in improving the overall entrepreneurial climate for New Enterprise Creation and enhance performance of existing ones.

Institution Building for Strengthening Entrepreneurship
EDII has come forward in a big way to provide technical assistance to developing nations under the aegis of the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India.

Capacity Building Programmes
In order to meet specific needs of developing countries, the Institute has been designated as a Nodal Agency of Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India.

Investment Promotion and Entrepreneurship
EDII undertook projects to accelerate growth through Investment Promotion & Entrepreneurship under the aegis of Inter-Regional Centre for Entrepreneurship and Investment Training sponsored by UNIDO and Govt. of India.

Cluster Development
Cluster Development is one of EDII’s niche areas. The Institute is engaged in revitalization of industrial and artisanal clusters.

Mainstreaming Social Entrepreneurship Education project
Social Entrepreneurship in India remains on the periphery of entrepreneurial landscape.

Designing and Offering Business Courses in various languages
EDII offerd a helping hand in improving bilateral ties with developing countries by designing and imparting courses in Business Hindi at both certificate and advanced levels.

Research and Dissemination through Seminars and Workshops
Conducted a 3-day dissemination seminar on ED related activities in Nigeria under the aegis of Nigeria Bank of Commerce & Industry (NBCI), where over 80 participants including senior officers, policy-makers and executives from Federal Government participated.

Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Programme (ITEC)
Conducted a 3-day dissemination seminar on ED related activities in Nigeria under the aegis of Nigeria Bank of Commerce & Industry (NBCI), where over 80 participants including senior officers, policy-makers and executives from Federal Government participated.

Entrepreneurship Education
Entrepreneurship can get a boost only when people at large start thinking, innovating, harnessing resources and thus get involved in the process of ‘creation’.