Collaborations & Affiliations
Nodal Agency for Government of India's Ministries of External Affairs, Textiles, Food Processing, Science & Technology, DC (Handicrafts), MSME, Rural Development, Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, SIDBI, NABARD, Panchayati Raj, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship and various state governments.
EDII appointed as Nodal Institute for Startups by the Government of Gujarat

The Government of Gujarat, keen on promoting entrepreneurship, has appointed EDII as its Nodal Institute under the Start-ups/ Innovation Scheme.
As a Nodal Institute, EDII will provide counselling and mentorship support to potential startups. Budding startups with innovative ideas in the fields of agri-business, food processing, biotechnology, chemicals, plastics and manufacturing will benefit from this.
Partner to government/non-government, multinationals, industry associations, business organisations and academic institutions

Strategic alliances with
Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, China
South West University of Finance and Technology, China
Newcastle University Business School, UK
University of West of Scotland
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA

MoUs/Agreements with institutions/ industries
EDII signed Memorandum of Understanding with:
- Aspire Disruptive Skill Foundation & Shree Jagannath Cultural Academy and Research Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat for Social Entrepreneurship Development
- IMS Asia Sdn Bhd (448949-H), based at Damansara Uptown, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darun Ehsan Malaysia to implement Consultancy and Training Project with Human Resource Development Fund
- National Institute for Co-operative Entrepreneurship (NICE), Mauritius to extend EDII’s expertise in promoting Mauritius Cooperative Movement by undertaking sectorial analysis, consolidating co-operative movement, holding a seminar for policy makers to sensitise & promote cooperative movement and building capacities in the cooperative and SME sectors in the Republic of Mauritius
- The IDBI Bank Ltd. for extending financial support to EDII trained potential entrepreneurs to ease their entrepreneurial journey
- Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry for Developing Entrepreneurial Culture among Dalits, SC/ST Youths at the National & State Levels
- Gujarat Corporate Social Responsibility Authority, Gujarat to promote Innovations and Entrepreneurial Eco-system in the state
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh for developing, facilitating, motivating and training potential and existing entrepreneurs and sensitise society at large, and youth in particular, to become entrepreneurial
- Kadi Sarva Vidyalaya to promote Entrepreneurship, as an ideal career option among the students fraternity at under-graduate and post graduate levels through a series of training programmes, seminars, workshops etc.
- Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad, a company incorporated in Malaysia with its registered address at Tingkat 7, Wisma HRDF, Jalan Beringin, Damansara Heights, 50490 Kuala Lumpur for collaborating and exploring opportunities to develop, support and enrich skills and entrepreneurship that will be beneficial to both parties
- Global Konnekt Ltd., Dubai, UAE for offering and organising Youth Camp on Stimulating Entrepreneurial Mindset
- National Institute of Fashion Technology, Gandhinagar, Gujarat to promote the cause of Entrepreneurship Development, offer courses, training programmes on Fashion, Design and Luxury Entrepreneurship, set up Incubation Centre, manage faculty and students exchange and organise projects, programmes and workshops, of mutual interest
- Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad to establish an enduring framework for educational relations and co-operation between the two participating institutions in order to promote academic learning, research and to explore the possibility of joint academic programmes
- Anand Agricultural University, Gujarat to cooperate in the areas of training farmers to transform agriculture into agribusiness, food processing, holding joint workshops for prospective agri-preneurs, organizing study visits, student and faculty exchange for mutual benefit / benefit of farming, rural and agribusiness and entrepreneurial community
- Pandit Dindayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar for providing regular exchange of information, innovation, knowledge, technological developments, management programmes and skills development, which contribute to mutual benefits of the institutions
- SANDHAN for providing regular exchange of information, innovation, knowledge, technological developments, management programmes and skills development which contribute to mutual benefits of the institutions
- Veer Narmad South Gujarat University for providing regular exchange of information, innovation, knowledge, technological developments, management programmes and skills development which contribute to mutual benefits of the institutions
- Automotive Cluster Serbia, an organisation representing Serbian companies and institutions producing automotive parts and components, headquartered at Decansaka 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia to promote Entrepreneurship and develop Small & Medium Enterprises clusters in Serbia
- Christian Union Organization for Educational Development, Economic and Social (UNICODE), a non-governmental organisation (NGO), established in 1999, headquartered at s/c Info House, B.P. 558, Kpalimé, Togo to promote Entrepreneurship and develop Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) clusters in Togo
- Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Andijan Province, Republic of Uzbekistan, is based at 100047, Avenue Amir Temur 4, Tashkent to collaborate in implementing training / capacity building programmes, seminars, workshops and other related activities and in preparing knowledge documents and research papers
- Gujarat Knowledge Society, Government of Gujarat to organise Annual Conference on ‘Student Innovation and Start-ups’ and EDII will act as Host Partner
- India-Japan Partnership Group, Tokyo, Japan for Setting up of Indo-Japan Centre for Entrepreneurship at EDII Campus, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
- Northern Institute of Development Initiatives, Sri Lanka to design and launch academic and short/long term programmes on Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka
- Directorate of Scheduled Caste Welfare, Social Justice & Empowerment Department, Government of Gujarat for developing entrepreneurial culture among scheduled caste youths in the state
- Gujarat Institute of Disaster Management for organising joint training services, strengthen training capacity, joint research activity, documentation and case study, consultancy/ advisory services on relevant matters and development and sharing of Business Continuity Management (BCM) technical expertise through mutually identified means and modalities
- Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry to collaborate in implementing training/capacity building programmes, seminars, workshops and other related activities and in preparing knowledge documents and research papers, as KNOWLEDGE PARTNER