
Persistence and Evolution

Catch them young….the phrase carries immense significance when it comes to promoting
entrepreneurial traits among millennials.

For last 39 years, EDII has been ensuring that children and youths from across the country get oriented towards the charms of being an entrepreneur and imbibe entrepreneurial skills

Promoting Women Led Entities

Project Parisar is a one-year project supported by NABARD for setting up Hub & Spoke model at Mysore of ‘coconut leaf straw making’ by 100 rural women from the region. The Hub was inaugurated by Shri Niraj Kumar Verma, Chief General Manager, Regional Office, NABARD, Bangalore.


Project UDYAMEE a CSR initiative of Utkal Alumina International Limited, a subsidiary of Aditya Birla Group is being implemented by EDII. The project was inaugurated by Mazhar Beig, Unit Head, Utkal Alumina in presence of Dr Lopamudra Priyadarshini, GM CSR, CR & Sustainability, Dr. Subrata Biswal, Regional incharge, EDII Eastern Regional Office