In order to explore the possibility of strengthening entrepreneurship in Tamil Nadu, Dr. Sunil Shukla, DG – EDII visited the state, and had a series of significant meetings and brainstorming discussions with senior officials of the Govt. of Tamil Nadu including; Shri Anandrao Vishnu Patil, IAS, Principal Secretary to Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu; Shri S. Krishnan, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary – Industries Department; Dr. Neeraj Mittal, IAS, Principal Secretary – Information Technology Department; Shri V. Arun Roy, IAS, Secretary – MSME Department; Shri C. Samayamoorthy, IAS, Agricultural Production Commissioner & Secretary, Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare Department; Shri R. Kirlosh Kumar, IAS, Secretary-Labour and Employment Department and Shri Prashant M. Wadnere, IAS, Additional Secretary – Finance Department. Dr. Shukla was accompanied by Dr. Satya Ranjan Acharya, Professor & Director, Dept. of Entrepreneurship Education – EDII.