
Ensuring a Higher Incidence of Micro Enterprises

EDII Gorakhpur team conducted a Micro Entrepreneurship Development programme on Terrocotta for 30 participants from 06 SHGs of Hafiznagar village of Bhatahat Block of Gorakhpur district. The programme organized during 11 – 23 February 2022 was sponsored by NABARD under Micro Enterprise Development Program (MEDP) scheme. The objective of the training program was to ensure livelihood and income generation opportunities for the trainees (mostly SHG members) by way of placement or by helping them set up their own units.

EDII and CSJMU, Kanpur jointly conducted a 5-day FDP

EDII and Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University (CSJMU), Kanpur jointly conducted a 5-day Faculty Development Programme on ‘Entrepreneurship Course Curriculum Design, Development & Teaching’, virtually during 21 – 22 & 24 – 26, March 2022. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Sunil Shukla, Director General- EDII and Prof. Vinay Kumar Pathak, Vice-Chancellor, CSJMU. In all, 45 academicians from CSJMU participated in the programme.

EDII and Anna University enter into an MoA

EDII and Anna University (AU), Chennai have entered into an MoA to strengthen entrepreneurship through collaborative initiatives, programmes, research and policy advocacy. The collaboration shall focus on Capacity Building Programmes in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Startups; Sector Specific Diploma Programmes in Entrepreneurship; Programmes on Entrepreneurship Awareness, Ideation and Innovation in addition to joint initiatives in Entrepreneurship research.

The Academia Affirms the Scope of Entrepreneurship as a Career

At a time when the academic fraternity is endorsing entrepreneurship as a potent career option, EDII, in association with several prominent universities is actively promoting innovations and connecting students with entrepreneurship. On this line, a 5-day training programme was organized by EDII for 24 professors of five universities from Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh.

Towards Intensifying the Entrepreneurial Climate of Tamil Nadu

In order to explore the possibility of strengthening entrepreneurship in Tamil Nadu, Dr. Sunil Shukla, DG – EDII visited the state, and had a series of significant meetings and brainstorming discussions with senior officials of the Govt. of Tamil Nadu including; Shri Anandrao Vishnu Patil, IAS, Principal Secretary to Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu; Shri S. Krishnan, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary – Industries Department; Dr. Neeraj Mittal, IAS, Principal Secretary – Information Technology Department; Shri V. Arun Roy, IAS, Secretary – MSME Department; Shri C. Samayamoorthy, IAS, Agricultural Production Commissioner & Secretary, Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare Department; Shri R. Kirlosh Kumar, IAS, Secretary-Labour and Employment Department and Shri Prashant M. Wadnere, IAS, Additional Secretary – Finance Department. Dr. Shukla was accompanied by Dr. Satya Ranjan Acharya, Professor & Director, Dept. of Entrepreneurship Education – EDII.

Towards Strengthening the Growth Accelerators Called MSMEs

Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) and EDII organised a two-day summit (29th & 30th March) witnessing brainstorming sessions and panel discussions on the enhancements, challenges and growth opportunities in the MSME sector. Speakers and experts from India, Singapore, Peru, Lao PDR, Rwanda, Myanmar, Russia, Uzbekistan, Spain and Iran, shared their experiences at the summit.