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to  various  handicraft  clusters.  His  thematic  areas  of   publications span various topics including institutional
            interest  include  development  studies,  sub-sector   design and behaviour in water management, food &
            analysis,  livelihoods,  institutional  innovations  in   agriculture  policy,  biotechnology  in  agriculture,  rural
 Prakash Solanki   of  Global  Entrepreneurship  Monitor  (GEM),
            informal  sector,  value  chain,  new  product  &  design   banking, agricultural and social entrepreneurship, and
 M.A. (Sociology)  India  and  has  co-authored  four  GEM  India
            development and social entrepreneurship          the impact of development programmes. His areas of
 LL.M. (Labour Law), B.Sc. (Chem)  Reports.
                                                             specialization  include  Rural  Finance,  Banking,
            Baishali Mitra                                   Agricultural Entrepreneurship, and other development  Lalit Sharma
            Ph.D. (English)                                  areas.
 Ph.D. (Youth Entrepreneurship)
            M.A. (English), M.A. (Linguistics)
 Specialises  in  conducting  programmes  for
            BEC (Business English Certificate) Trainer       Subrata Kumar Biswal
 New Enterprise Creation and Capacity Building
                              Ph.D  (Public Administration)
 of  development  organizations.  22  years  of   Specializes  in  Entrepreneurship  Theory  &
                                                             PGPPM (Public Policy & Management)
 experience  in  the  field  of  entrepreneurship   Practice,  Entrepreneurial  Lab,  Creativity  &
            An educator in the areas of Business Communication,
 development  through  implementation  of   Innovations,  New  Venture  Creation  and
            Organizational  Communication,  Corporate
 different  Entrepreneurship  Development   Effective Entrepreneurship. His research areas   Communication, with over 17 years of experience in   An alumnus of IIM Bangalore, he is an academician and
 a c t i v i t y   m o d e l s .   H a s   ex p e r t i s e   i n   include:  youth  entrepreneurship,  women   academia,  Dr.  Baishali  Mitra  holds  expertise  in   development  management  professional  having  more
 entrepreneurship  concept,  process  and   entrepreneurship  and  entrepreneurship   grooming  budding  entrepreneurs,  training  post-  than  13  years  of  cross  functional  experience  with
 practice,  business  opportunity  guidance,   education.  Actively  engaged  in  the  national
 research projects of the Government of India   graduate  students,  and  corporate  executives.  At   multilateral and government agencies. He specialises in
 business plan and enterprise creation process.
 on entrepreneurship development, he is also   present,  she  is  engaged  in  research  in  the  areas  of   Public  Policy,  Strategy  and  Governance,  Inclusive
 He is teacher/trainer in the field conducting
 well-recognized  as  a  corporate  trainer  by   Business  Communication,  Women  Entrepreneurship,   Growth,  Rural  Development,  Rural  Banking  &
 national  and  international  programmes.
 various  industrial  associations.  His  research   and  Development  Communication.  Her  research  in   Insurance,  Sustainable  Development  Goals,
 Presently  implementing  many  important
 articles on entrepreneurship have been widely  mobile-enabled language learning under the UGC Grant   Microfinance  &  Livelihoods,  Entrepreneurship
 projects  for  specialised  sectors  and  targets
 published  in  reputed  international  journals  has helped students in anytime, anywhere learning. She   Development  &  Impact  Investment.  He  is  well
 including  disadvantaged  groups  and  weaker
 like  International  Journal  of  Gender  &  is a qualified Business English Certificate (Cambridge   recognised as a social impact strategist by multilateral
 E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p ,   J o u r n a l   o f  English)  Trainer  and  certified  in  Corporate   and apex think tank organisations like NITI Aayog, The
 Entrepreneurship  in  Emerging  Economies,   Communication. She specializes in Communication for   World Bank, UN agencies, corporate foundations etc.
 Pankaj Bharti
 J o u r n a l   o f   S m a l l   B u s i n e s s   a n d   Professional  Success,  Effective  Persuasion  and   Prior  to  joining  EDII,  he  was  with  NITI  Aayog,
 Ph.D. (Psychology)
 Entrepreneurship and several others.  Negotiation           Government of India.   He has also served in various
                                                             capacities with Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of
 Rajesh Gupta  Dinesh Jain                                   India,  Panchayati  Raj  department,  Govt.  of  Odisha,
 Has  over  21  years  of  teaching  and  research
 Ph.D. (Management)   FPM/Ph.D. (Management- Food            Planning Department, and Govt. of Andhra Pradesh.
 experience.  Specialises  in  Social  Psychology,  and Agribusiness)
 Organisational  Behaviour  and  Research
            MBA in Agribusiness Management                   Sasikanta Tripathy
 Methods. He is trained in conceptualising and
 A  business  management  professional  with   Bachelors in Agricultural Engineering  Ph.D. (Finance), M. Phil.
 developing  measurement  tools  for  social
 more than 2 decades of work experience in
 science  research.  He  has  published  nine
 industry and development sector.  Has worked
 papers and a book - Dehumanisation of Urban
 extensively in the areas of creative co-creation   Possesses experience of over 12 years as a researcher at   Specializes in Corporate Finance, Business Reporting,
 and  Rural  Poor.  Core  competency  lies  in
 in  livelihoods,  has  promoted  rural  micro-  IIMA  and  later  as  a  faculty  at  Entrepreneurship   Business  Valuation,  Investment  Management,
 psychometric assessment administration and
 enterprises in various sectors and worked in   Development Institute of India and National Institute of   Derivatives  and  Financial  Econometrics.  Having
 reporting.  He  is  associated  with  over  20   various  handloom  and  handicraft  clusters.   Bank  Management  (NIBM)  Pune.  Has  been  visiting   completed  Ph.D.  in  Finance  (with  MHRD  Fellowship)
 national  as  well  as  international  research   Currently he is involved in promoting nano-  faculty to IIM Shillong and IIM Indore. His research and   from Vinod Gupta School of Management (VGSOM) of
 projects. He is also a National Team Member   enterprises  in  rural  areas  spread  across  61
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