Page 7 - Activity Calendar 2021-22
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Sunil Shukla, Director General  extending support to existing entrepreneurs.
 Ph.D. (Psychology)  He has developed curriculum, modules, and  structures  for  various  entrepreneurship
 development  activities.  Specialises  in  the
 Dr. Sunil Shukla, possesses more than three   areas  of  business  opportunity  identification
 decades  of  experience,  in  entrepreneurship   and guidance, Business plan preparation and
 education,  research,  training  and  institution   entrepreneurship.    Developed  various
 building.  His  pioneering  programmes  and   entrepreneurship  development  models
            Berkeley,  USA;  University  of  Texas,  Austin,  USA  and   Plan Formulation. Trained in entrepreneurship teaching
 d e v e l o p m e n t   i n t e r v e n t i o n s   i n   through  CSR  initiatives  of  corporates  like
            Osaka, Japan on innovation, incubation and science &   at Stanford Technology Venture Programmes and Indian
 'entrepreneurship'  and  'intrapreneurship'   HSBC, Facebook, Accenture, HCL, Walmart, HP
            technology entrepreneurship.                     School of Business, Hyderabad, Startup Accelerators in
 have  ensured  sustainable  results  for  varied   and ITC in India.  Has also handled the task of
                                                             the  Entrepreneurial  Ecosystem  at  MASHAV  -  Israel's
 target  groups.  As  a  researcher,  he  has   networking  and  catalysing  vital  linkages.  He
            Tarun Bedi                                       Agency  for  International  Development  Cooperation,
 extended  the  frontiers  of  entrepreneurship,   has  travelled  for  entrepreneurship-related
            M.A. (Sociology),                                Israel.  Involved  in  entrepreneurship  teaching  and
 nationally  and  globally  through  empirical   assignments  to  countries  such  as  Lao  PDR,
            M.A. (Rural Development)                         startup growth. Worked as a Research Fellow with the
 research  and  dissemination.  He  leads  the   Iran, Philippines, Comoros and Malaysia.
            B.E. (Civil)                                     Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship
 world's  largest  and  the  most  prestigious
                                 at IIM Ahmedabad. Trained in Application of Simulation
 annual study of entrepreneurial dynamics in
                                                             for  Entrepreneurship  Teaching  at  the  University  of
 the  world  -  the  Global  Entrepreneurship   S.B. Sareen
 Monitor  (GEM)  India  Chapter.  An  acclaimed   D.I.M, D.I.M.O. (Hons)   Has  over  26  years  of  experience  in  the  field  of   Tennessee, USA.
            Entrepreneurship  Development.  Engaged  in  areas  of
 entrepreneurship  proponent,  Dr.  Shukla's   D.M.M
            rural development, development of micro enterprises,   Amit K.  Dwivedi
 work has also led to notable policy advocacy.
            implementing and providing hand-holding support to   Ph.D. (Commerce)
 He  has  contributed  in  formulating  Govt.
            unorganised  sectors  like  handloom,  handicraft  and
 policies  in  the  field  of  Entrepreneurship,   A  textile  technologist,  management
            village industries. He has also been engaged in action
 MSMEs & Startups. His work in the Greater   professional,  educator  and  trainer  in
            research, evaluation studies, etc. He also works as a   Has over 16 years of teaching and research experience.
 Mekong  Subregion  (GMS)  countries,  Asia,   entrepreneurship with 40 Years of experience
            Cluster Development Executive for several important   Currently, he is a National Team Member of the Global
 Africa, America, Iran and Uzbekistan has been   in  Industry,  consultancy,  academia  and
            clusters and is engaged in planning and implementation   Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) India Consortium and
 highly  appreciated.  Several  organizations,   training at national and international levels.
            of  the  Start-up  Village  Entrepreneurship  Programme   has  co-authored  four  GEM  reports.  He  is  associated
 Govt. ministries and departments have him on   Specializes New Enterprise Creation, Business
            (SVEP) of the Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of   with reputed national and international journals as a
 their board.  Counselling, Growth Programmes for Existing
            India.                                           reviewer,  editor  and  editorial  board  member.  Dr.
 Entrepreneurs,  Faculty  Development
                                                             Dwivedi has authored research papers, book reviews,
 Programmes  and  Capacity  Building
            Satya Ranjan Acharya                             and a textbook. Dr. Dwivedi has presented his research
 Programmes for Resource Persons in the field
            Ph.D. (Economics)                                at national and international conferences in India and
 Raman Gujral  of Entrepreneurship Development in addition
            MBA, MFC                                         abroad.  He  participated  in  a  Training  of  Trainers'
 Ph.D. (Commerce)  to  nurturing  innovations  and  promoting
                                 programme  for  teaching  'Business  Simulation',  Science & Technology Entrepreneurship.
                                                             organized by ILS, held at the University of Tennessee,
            A business management professional with 22 years of   Texas, USA.
 Has over 32 years of experience in the field of   Widely travelled, he has been trained at the
            teaching  and  consultancy  experience  in  the  areas  of
 Entrepreneurship  Development.  He  has   Netherlands  International  Institute  for
            Financial Management, Idea Generation and Business
 expertise  in  new  enterprise  creation  and  in   Management (RVB); University of California,
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