Page 14 - Activity Calendar 2021-22
P. 14

J B Patel                              processing  sectors,  in  addition  to  the                       Widely  travelled,  Prof.  Bhaskaran  is  on  the  board  of
                       B.Sc. (Chemistry)                      development  sector.  Has  also  worked                           prominent  corporates  and  educational  institutions.
                       B.Sc.(Chemical Technology)             extensively  in  the  areas  of  business  plans,
                                market  research,  sectoral  studies,  cluster                    Kavita Saxena
                                                              diagnosis  and  design  &  management  of                         Ph.D. - Retail Management
                       Over three decades of experience in the areas   development  programmes  for  large                      PGDBM (Marketing)
                       of business opportunity identification, project   companies,  bilateral  and  multilateral     
                       formulation,  project  appraisal,  counselling   agencies,  Indian  development  institutions,
                       and guiding entrepreneurs. Conducted more                                                                An  educator  in  the  area  of  marketing  and
                                                              and state & central governments. He was an
                       than  10  international  programmes  and   independent director on the Board of some                     entrepreneurship with over 17 years of experience in
                       worked as an expert in a number of developing                                                            academia and industry. She teaches courses related to
                                                              private  companies  and  has  worked  as  the
                       countries in the above-mentioned fields. He is                                                           Entrepreneurial Marketing, Small Business Promotion,
                                                              Planning Advisor for a large urban transport
                       also  the  Local  Representative  for  the                                                               Design Thinking and New Product Development. She
                                                              government  company.  Has  authored
                       Netherlands Senior Experts Organisation.                                                                 has  co-authored  a  book  on  “Emerging  Trends  in
                                                              two  manuals  on  direct  help  to  small
                                                                                                                                Entrepreneurship Research – Review of The Journal of
                                                                                                                                Entrepreneurship”  and  has  published  many  research
                       Bhasker Jani                                                                                             papers  and  articles  in  journals  and  magazines  of
                                                              Bala Bhaskaran
                       B.E. (Electronics & Commun.)                                                                             national and international repute. She has participated
                                                              Ph.D. (Management)
                                                                                                  in the Visiting Program on “Digital Transformation: ICT
                                                              B.Tech, PGDM, CFA,
                                                                                                                                Centric Innovation” in Germany sponsored by Friedrich
                       A practitioner with over 38 years of experience                                                          Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) and has also
                       in initiating and successfully managing various                                                          been  selected  for  AICTE-UKIERI  Leadership
                       industries,  including  manufacturing  of   Prof  Bala  Bhaskaran  is  a  management                     Development Program.
                       mechanical  and  electro-mechanical    professional  with  active  interest  in  teaching
                                                              and  institution  building.  Prior  to  his
                       components  and  sub-assemblies,  industrial
                       valves,  fabrication  shop,  foundry,  etc.  He  is   engagement  with  EDII,  he  was  Provost  of
                       also  involved  in  mentoring  potential  and   Swarnim  Startup  &  Innovation  University,
                       existing entrepreneurs. He was Director and   Gandhinagar.
                       CEO  of  M/S.  Odhav  Estate  Infrastructure   An Alumnus of IIT Madras and IIM Bangalore,
                       Development  Ltd.,  an  SPV  for  development   he possesses rich experience in industry and
                       and upkeeping of the Odhav estate.     academia.  His  areas  of  interest  are  finance,
                                                              strategy,  entrepreneurship,  knowledge
                       Shailesh Modi                          management etc. He has published numerous
                       PGDBA                                  papers and cases in national and international
                                 journals.  He  is  a  reviewer  for  cases  for  few
                                                              international  journals.  He  has  been
                       A  practising  management  consultant  with  a   conducting  workshops  on  case  method  of
                       multi-disciplinary work record. His experience   teaching and case writing. He has founded two
                       encompasses  work  on  SME  sector,  social   journals  -  Oakbrook  Business  Review  for
                       entrepreneurship,  energy,  hospitality,   Oakbrook  Business  School  and  The
                       tourism,  textiles,  transport  and  food  Fountainhead  for  Shanti  Business  School.
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