Page 12 - Activity Calendar 2021-22
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entrepreneurship. He has published one book,   the field of data analytics using R, Python, and          their 'Grow Your Business' Programme. Area of Interest    has authored 30 research papers for conferences and
                       11 manuals and two reports.            Tableau. His PhD thesis applies advanced soft                     includes  Techno-Entrepreneurship,  Design  Thinking,   scholarly journals.
                                                              computing techniques such as rough set, fuzzy                     Digital Marketing, Business Opportunity Identification,
                       Ishwar Kumar                           rough set, formal concept analysis and many                       Innovations, and Life Skills Development.       Harkesh Mittal
                       Ph.D. (Management),                    hybridized  models  of  soft  computing  and                                                                      B.Sc Dairy Technology
                       M.A. (Criminology)                     machine learning in the fields of finance and                     T. A. Nikita                                    PGDMA
                       PGDBA (Marketing),                     Behavioural finance.                                              C.A , M.Phil (Commerce)               
                       PGDHR (Human Rights)                                                                           
                                                                                                                                                                                Alumnus of National Dairy Research Institute and IIM
                                 Rajib Roy
                                                                                                                                                                                Ahmedabad,  Shri  Harkesh  Mittal,  Former  Adviser  &
                                                              PhD (Entrepreneurship)                                            A  teacher  in  the  areas  of  Accounting,  Costing,
                                                                                                                                                                                Head,  NSTEDB,  DST,  Govt.  of  India,  has  been
                       Teaching  and  research  interests  include                                         Management  Accounting,  Taxation  and  Finance,  she
                                                                                                                                                                                instrumental  in  giving  a  new  vibrancy  to  promoting
                       innovation  and  new  product  development,                                                              possesses over 18 years of experience in academia and
                                                                                                                                                                                innovation and entrepreneurial acumen among a wide
                       brand  management,  strategic  design   An alumnus of IIT (ISM), Dhanbad, and his PhD                    industry.  Currently  pursuing    Ph.D.  on  the  topic  'To
                       management,  and  public  policy.  Presently   thesis is titled as “Developing a Framework for           Study the Acceptance level of Technology in Personal   section  of  Indian  entrepreneurs  ranging  from  grass-
                       attached  with  the  Department  of  Business   Measuring  Entrepreneurial  Intention  among             Finance with  reference to  different Demographics and    roots industries to high-end deep-tech enterprises for
                                                              Science & Technology Students in India”. He                                                                       nearly  four  decades.  He  was  responsible  for  the
                       Development & National Outreach at EDII and                                                              Social - economic factors of Investors in Selected Cities
                                                              has done significant research in the field of                                                                     conceptualisation  and  implementation  of  many
                       is  engaged  in  managing  activities  related  to                                                       of  Gujarat'.  At  EDII,  she  is  involved  in  teaching  Post
                                                              entrepreneurship.  His  research  has  been                                                                       innovation  and  entrepreneurship  development
                       CSR,  Cluster  Development  and  MSME                                                                    Graduate  students  and  in  coordinating  key  National
                                                              published  in  several  peer-reviewed                                                                             programmes.  He  continues  to  be  a  key  figure  in  the
                       Development  in  India.  Awarded  with  the   international  journals,  namely,  IEMJ,  IJTDE,           level  programmes  &  mentoring  research  work  of   promotion of innovations & start-ups in India and his
                       Highly-Commended  Emerald/AIMA  Indian   IJEVG, CS  etc.                                                 PGDM-BE students, also coordinated TOT Mizoram ED
                       Management Research Fund Award in 2010.                                                                  Programme.                                      services are being used by many Governments.
                                                                                                                                                                                He  is  on  various  high-level  committees  of  the
                                                              Shibin Mohamed T.K
                                                                                                                                                                                Government of India. In 2017, he was awarded the Best
                       Biswajit Acharjya                      M.E. (Aeronautical),                                              Ganapathi Batthini
                                                                                                                                                                                Mentor award by the Ministry of Skill Development and
                       PhD (Behavioural Finance &             B.Tech (Mechanical)                                               MLISc
                                                                                                                                                                                Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India.
                       Soft Computing)                                                   
                       MBA, B.Tech                                                                                                                                              Mayank Upadhyay
                       MBA (Finance and Marketing),           An academician with 10 years of experience in                     A  library  and  information  science  professional,  with   ACWA
                       B.Tech (Textile Engineering            guiding  various  technology-based  startups                      close to three decades of experience, he heads EDII's
                               across  the  state  of  Kerala.  Pioneered  in                    library  and  information  centre.  His  work  comprises
                                                              institutionalizing  IEDCs  in  various  colleges.                 developing, managing and disseminating information in   S p e c i a l i s e s   i n   t h e   a r e a s   o f   f i n a n c e ,
                       An academician with diverse experience of 7   Being  a  UN-certified  Empretec  Programme                business  management,  entrepreneurship,  social  and   management  accounting,  project  planning
                                                              graduate,  mentored  potential  and  existing
                       years in both industry and academia. He has                                                              engineering sectors. He is the Editor of the conference   and strategic management, with extensive experience
                                                              student  entrepreneurs  across  the  state.
                       worked  with  various  other  reputed                                                                    proceedings  of  MANLIBNET  2013:  International   in  development  banking,  commercial  banking,
                                                              Undertook various project initiatives of EDII in
                       universities  of  India.  His  research  and                                                             Conference  on  Entrepreneurial  Approaches  to   management  consulting  and  NGO  management.
                                                              Kerala as Facebook-Boost Your Business, DST-
                       publication  span  various  topics  such  as  –                                                          Librarianship,  MANLIBNET  2019:  Sustainable   Involved in conceptualising and conducting of a number
                                                              TEDP's  in  Internet  of  Things  and  Blockchain
                       finance  management,  Behavioural  finance,                                                              Librarianship, Editor of the conference proceedings of   of national and international programmes in corporate
                                                              Technology,  MEDP's  for  Rural  Sector  &                        Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship and Principal
                       Gold  investment,  Soft  computing,  Machine                                                                                                             financial  strategic  planning  and  management,
                                                              Research  Studies  on  startups.    He  is  also
                       Learning, and Cultural heritage. Dr. Acharjya                                                            Author  of  Emerging  trends  in  entrepreneurship   project  formulation  and  appraisal,  microfinance  and
                                                              certified  as  a  Lead  Trainer  by  Facebook  for
                       attended many workshops and conference in                                                                research review of the Journal of Entrepreneurship. He  management control systems.
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