Page 10 - Activity Calendar 2021-22
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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur;   decade of experience in consulting, research,
                       Dr. Tripathy is presently involved in teaching   teaching,  mentoring,  and  manpower                    Gautam Mazumdar                                 through  cluster  development,  microenterprise
                       Strategic  Finance,  Financial  Derivatives,   planning.  His  areas  of  research  and  interest        Bachelor of Commerce                            development,  student  and  faculty  programmes  to
                       Financial  Accounting,  Management     include  Strategic  Human  Resource                               PGDBM (International Business),                 name a few.
                       Accounting.  He  has  several  book  chapters,   M a n a ge m e nt ,   I nte l l e c t u a l   C a p i ta l   Fellowship (Social Enterprise)
                       papers and research publications to his credit.  Management,  Knowledge  Management,                                        Bishnu Prasad Panda
                                                              Innovation,  and  Organizational  Demography                                                                      M.A. (Economics), LLB,
                       Rajeev Sharma                          with a strong publication record in journals of                   Possesses work experience of over 20 years in Project   MBA (Financial Management)
                       Ph.D. (Industrial Economics)           international repute. He is involved in teaching                  Design,  Implementation,  Evaluation,  Action  based   CSWA
                                 courses  on  Human  Resource  Management,                         Research  and  Knowledge  Development  activities  at
                                                              Research  Methodology,  Organizational                            National  and  International  level  in  domain  area  of
                       Dr. Rajeev Sharma has more than 16 years of   B e h av i o r,   B u s i n e s s   E t h i c s ,   S o c i a l   Livelihood  and  Entrepreneurship  for  the  Pro-Poor  /   Possesses over 32 years of experience in Micro-Finance,
                       experience in academics along with six years in   Entrepreneurship,  HR  Analytics,  Research            Informal  Sector  and  Disability  Program  Area.  He  has   Micro-Enterprise  Promotion,  Livelihood  and  Cluster
                       the  development  sector  of  industrial   Methodology.  Prior  to  EDII,  he  worked  for               played Leadership role in key projects for Organizations   Development  Programmes.  Has  worked  extensively
                       clusters/SMEs.   He has worked on Industrial   Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham for more than 5                viz. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, VSO (UK)/British   with national and international agencies like the Centre
                       Clusters  Project  -  'Promoting  Innovation  in   years.                                                Council,  Rockefeller  Foundation,  Villgro,  BAIF   for  Youth  &  Social  Development  (CYSD),  Rashtriya
                       Clusters  -  funded  by  DST  GoI;  DFID  funded                                                         Development  Research  Foundation,  NRLM  Projects-  Gramin  Vikas  Nidhi  (RGVN),  CARE  and  Access
                       SIDBI-PMD  BDS  project  'Implementing   P. N. Srivastava                                                SVEP. He has publications in International Journals.  He   Development Services on enhancing the capacities of
                       Business  Development  Services'  and  has   M. Com                                                      is also working in an advisory role as National Resource   national-level NGOs, CBOs and BMOs. Also worked as a
                       handled  implementation  and  coordination,                                  Person [NRP] in Non-Farm Sector under NRLM Program,   Consultant for  a World Bank study on pani panchayat,
                       including  research  and  training  under                                                                Ministry of Rural Development [ MoRD] , Govt. of India.  SHG and PRI. His areas of specialisations are financial
                       different  projects  for  different  verticals  in   Possesses  over  29  years  of  experience  in                                                      management,  cluster  development,  livelihood
                       industrial clusters. He has also conducted TOT   providing  training  inputs  and  conducting                                                            promotion and enterprise promotion. Participated in an
                       programme  in  clusters  to  make  SMEs   va r i o u s   e nt re p re n e u rs h i p   re l ate d        Smita Chetia Talukdar                           exposure  visit  to  Bangladesh  for  studying  Garameen
                       sustainable under UNIDO project for capacity   programmes  across  sections  and  sectors  of            Ph.D. (Biotechnology)                           Bank, Posika , ASA and BRAC Models in ,microfinance
                       building  of  CDAs  in  Teheran,  Iran  and  has   society.  Has  rich  field  level  experience  of                      promotion.
                       worked as a consultant with 'Competitiveness:   working  at  the  grassroots  in  various
                       The Cluster Competitiveness Group', based in   prestigious  projects  supported  by  reputed             Possesses  over  20  years  of  teaching  and  research   Sivan Ambattu
                       Barcelona  (for  its  operations  in  India).  Dr.   organizations,  ministries  and  departments        experience  in  areas  such  as  Tissue  Culture,   PGDRD, MSW
                       Sharma has publications in reputed journals   such  as;  NABARD,  KVIC,  UNICEF,  Dept  of               Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and has six papers
                       and has presented several research papers in   Industries,  SIDBI,  Dept.  of  Food  Processing,         to  her  credit.  As  an  expert  in  project  designing,
                       national and international conferences.  MSME, Department of Science & Technology                        implementation  and  monitoring,  she  has  worked  as   A n   e x p e r t   i n   p r o j e c t   m a n a g e m e n t   a n d
                                                              a m o n g   m a ny   o t h e rs .   H i s   a re a s   o f        Project Manager in Employment Generation Mission,   entrepreneurship,  he  specialises  in  strategy
                       Saswata Barpanda                       specialization  include  entrepreneurship,                        Government of Assam for a period of 5 years. She has   formulation,  donor  management,  partnership
                       Ph.D. Management-Strategic HRM         technology  based  entrepreneurship,  cluster                     experience  of  handling  various  livelihood  and  skill   development  and  in  establishing  rural  business
                       M.Phil.                                development,  Business  Plan,  Skill                              development  projects  of  Government  of  Assam  for   institutions.  He  brought  international  training
                                Development,  New  Enterprise  Creation,                          generating  employment  and  upgrading  the  skills  of   programmes like EYB and SIYB to India. He has worked
                                                              Project Report preparation, Capacity Building                     youth. For last five years, actively involved in several   with multilateral agencies. His specialisation includes
                       Dr. Saswat is having a PhD from IIT Kharagpur   etc.                                                     G o ve r n m e nt   a n d   C o r p o rate   p ro j e c t s   fo r   value-chain development, cluster development, youth
                       in the area of Strategic HRM, with more than a                                                           entrepreneurship  development  in  the  NER  of  India   e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p ,   a n d   g r o u p   &   w o m e n
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